Mitsubishi PS21869-A Intelligent Power Module


Franc Zabkar

I'm considering purchasing a Fujitsu ART45LUAK/AOT45LJBYL ducted air
conditioning system which uses a Mitsubishi PS21869-A Intelligent
Power Module chip in the inverter section that drives the compressor.

Here is its datasheet:

I notice that this chip was discontinued by Mitsubishi in Dec 2008.
Could these devices be expected to fail during the reasonable lifetime
of the machine, and would it be a good idea to obtain a spare ahead of
time (57 EUR from The unit has a 5 year

I'm also prepared for failures in the ACTPM board which looks like it
might provide an active PFC function. Unfortunately it appears to use
an LACT33020B chip (potted module?) whose identity is a mystery.

Operating manual:

Service manual (pages 8 & 9):

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
Franc Zabkar <> wrote in message
I'm considering purchasing a Fujitsu ART45LUAK/AOT45LJBYL ducted air
conditioning system which uses a Mitsubishi PS21869-A Intelligent
Power Module chip in the inverter section that drives the compressor.

Here is its datasheet:
I notice that this chip was discontinued by Mitsubishi in Dec 2008.
Could these devices be expected to fail during the reasonable lifetime
of the machine, and would it be a good idea to obtain a spare ahead of
time (57 EUR from The unit has a 5 year

I'm also prepared for failures in the ACTPM board which looks like it
might provide an active PFC function. Unfortunately it appears to use
an LACT33020B chip (potted module?) whose identity is a mystery.

Operating manual:
Service manual (pages 8 & 9):

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.

Is this the electronic version of telling an actor to "go break a leg" ?

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on
On Sat, 14 Mar 2009 07:36:19 -0000, "N_Cook" <> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

Franc Zabkar <> wrote in message
I'm considering purchasing a Fujitsu ART45LUAK/AOT45LJBYL ducted air
conditioning system which uses a Mitsubishi PS21869-A Intelligent
Power Module chip in the inverter section that drives the compressor.

Here is its datasheet:

I notice that this chip was discontinued by Mitsubishi in Dec 2008.
Could these devices be expected to fail during the reasonable lifetime
of the machine, and would it be a good idea to obtain a spare ahead of
time (57 EUR from The unit has a 5 year

I'm also prepared for failures in the ACTPM board which looks like it
might provide an active PFC function. Unfortunately it appears to use
an LACT33020B chip (potted module?) whose identity is a mystery.

Is this the electronic version of telling an actor to "go break a leg" ?
I confess I had to look this up.

"Break a leg" is a well-known saying in theatre which means "good
luck". It is typically said to actors before they go out onto stage to

The expression reflects a theatrical superstition in which wishing a
person "good luck" is considered bad luck.

So, to answer your question, I try to be prepared for life after
warranty. It's not a matter of what to do *if* something fails, but
what to do *when" something fails. To this end I try to be as self
sufficient as possible, and at the very minimum I try to obtain a
service manual at the time of purchase or soon after.

I still have an amp, turntable, and cassette deck that are 35 years
old. I bought the service manuals for each, but as luck would have it,
all they have ever needed were a replacement stylus, new rubber parts,
and a squirt in each of the pots and switches. So I guess that's
"breaking a leg" in reverse, ie expecting bad luck and experiencing
good luck instead.

I have two wall mounted Panasonic air conditioners that are about 20
years old. They are both still in excellent condition and have never
needed repair, aside from a re-gas when a fitting leaked. However, I
had to call about a dozen refrigeration mechanics before I could find
one who actually turned up. The first one botched the job and didn't
return. My latest experience with a ducted system has been just as
bad. I called 11 companies/individuals and, of those, only 3 turned up
to quote. One was a friend, and another was located some 100km away.

So I'm thinking that it would be prudent for me to be my own mechanic.

BTW, the subject inverter based air conditioner is still a current
model, despite having obsolete components:

If I wanted the conventional version, then I would require a 3-phase
supply instead of single phase:

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
ineltron had written this in response to
Franc Zabkar wrote:
"I notice that this chip was discontinued by Mitsubishi in Dec 2008."

Hi Folks,

sorry - this answer comes really late, I know. But Mitsubishi PS21869 is
still in production. Only the leaded version is dead, it was followed by
the lead free version PS21869-P. Of course the -P version is fully
Should be the same with the PS21869-AP, where "A" means longer pin

ineltron GmbH

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