Mitsubishi M50747


Lisandro Pin

Hi. I need a simple microcontroller-like IC for a design i'm working
on, and on a box of old ICs, salvaged from junk, i found this IC; all i
could find about it it's that it used a "instruction set similar to the
6502" (???).

Does anyone has any info on this IC, or know where i could get a
datasheet? Thanks in advance.
As far as I know the device is a real 6502 core. Maybe similar to the
65SC151. Try

A few online datasheet archives have the information you're looking for but
want to paid for it.

regards -


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Lisandro Pin schrieb in Nachricht
Hi. I need a simple microcontroller-like IC for a design i'm working
on, and on a box of old ICs, salvaged from junk, i found this IC; all i
could find about it it's that it used a "instruction set similar to the
6502" (???).

Does anyone has any info on this IC, or know where i could get a
datasheet? Thanks in advance.
On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 03:22:26 +0100, "Henry Kiefer" <> wrote:

As far as I know the device is a real 6502 core. Maybe similar to the
65SC151. Try

A few online datasheet archives have the information you're looking for but
want to paid for it.
These ones are free :
I found the datasheet for it on (PS:
Thanks a lot for the links Henry!).

As for the device itself, it's the DIP-64 version, without the quartz
window (i DO have a bunch of 64kb EEPROMs that i think came with the
50747 itself). So it has a hardcoded ROM on it :( Bummer, i thought i
got lucky. I think the ROM can be overriden with an external IC, but i
needed something of trivial implementarion, like a PIC - i'm not very
familiar with microprocessors, and i don't have the gear to burn an
EEPROM either. I do know the 6502 assembler well though, from my C64
I found the datasheet for it on (PS:
Thanks a lot for the links Henry!).

As for the device itself, it's the DIP-64 version, without the quartz
window (i DO have a bunch of 64kb EEPROMs that i think came with the
50747 itself). So it has a hardcoded ROM on it :( Bummer, i thought i
got lucky. I think the ROM can be overriden with an external IC, but i
needed something of trivial implementarion, like a PIC - i'm not very
familiar with microprocessors, and i don't have the gear to burn an
EEPROM either. I do know the 6502 assembler well though, from my C64
I think you should consider a modern CPU. If you learned any assembly
language you're able in short time to switch to another Assembler type. It's
really no problem! Look for AVR (www.atmel), PIC (, 8051
(many vendors) types. AVR and PIC give you the Assembler for free (with

cu -


<Schau auch mal auf meine Homepage>
<u.a. Versand von Wasserflohzuchtansatz, Wasserpflanzen/-schnecken,
Futteralge Chlorella, brasilianischer Sauerklee, Natron zum Backen/Baden,
Chemikalien u.a.>
<Alternativ über>
50747 itself). So it has a hardcoded ROM on it :( Bummer, i thought i
got lucky. I think the ROM can be overriden with an external IC, but i

Several processors (like 804x) have one pin to switch between internal and
external program memory. OK you loose a lot of IO pins this way.


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