Mitsubishi 50" Rear Projection red screen




I have an older Mitsubishi rear projection tv that has had some pincushion
and convergence issues for some time now but it never really bothered me.
The convergence only slipped on the edges where the pincushion was off too.

The new issue is that yesterday while watching tv the screen suddenly went
red with lighter red wavy diagonal lines. After about 5 seconds of that
getting brighter and brighter it powered off. Now whenever I turn it on
that's what it does. After it clicks off you see the red flash a rectangle
roughly 6" wide by 1.5" high that shrinks into a circle that slowly gets
bigger and softer. Right before it goes completely black you can see a
slight green circle in the 2 o'clock position touching the red.
The only way to get the set to power back up is to unplug and replug. I
tried the extent of my electronics repair knowledge on it (I hit the wood
grain a few times with a rubber mallet) and have come up short.

I assume it's broke pretty bad... I'm just wondering if anyone knows
specifically how and more importantly, how much$?

Thanks in advance,

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As stated in previous post, try swapping the CRT boards; also, the 200volt line
may be open to the tube; Mits uses small peaking coils that occasionally open
up. I have actually seen one red CRT short out in a V-11 chassis set.

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