Missing device parameters from Virtuoso Analog Design Enviro




Has anybody experienced this problem: when netlisting from a schematic
using Virtuoso Analog Design Environment, some device parameters are
unexpectedly omitted. Particularly, I am missing the gain paramters for
"cccs" and "vccs" from analogLib. The gain parameters are showing in
the schematic, and the CDF looks fine. Thanks!

papaya wrote:


Has anybody experienced this problem: when netlisting from a schematic
using Virtuoso Analog Design Environment, some device parameters are
unexpectedly omitted. Particularly, I am missing the gain paramters for
"cccs" and "vccs" from analogLib. The gain parameters are showing in
the schematic, and the CDF looks fine. Thanks!


what is the siminfo section for your simulator ?

My Simulation Information window show the following (for cccs):

netlistProcedure: spectreccPrim
otherParameters: vref
instParameters: gain m
componentName: cccs
termOrder: PLUS MINUS
termMapping: \:sink MINUS "(FUNCTION minus(root(\"PLUS\")))"
propMapping: nil gain fgain probe vref

I am missing "gain" parameter. "m" is fine. Do you have any idea ? A
lot of thanks!

In your schematic window, select
Options=>Tool filter...
and ensure that the simulator you want to use is "turned on".

HSPICE and SPECTRE simulators, for example, use different CDF
paramaters for the gain (on cccs and, if I recall correctly, on vccs as
well) and the schematic object's properties will be presented
differently based on the simulation tool. (You might want to "turn
off" other possibly conflicting simulators on the "Tool filter..."
pop-up to "hide" the parameters for the "wrong" simulator.)

- JayPee
Hi JayPee,

Thanks! This is a good point but is not my case. I tried as you
suggested and it still doesn't work for me ...:-(

papaya wrote:
Hi JayPee,

Thanks! This is a good point but is not my case. I tried as you
suggested and it still doesn't work for me ...:-(

Hi Papaya,

The siminfo doe not look bad. You can use 'cdfDump*' to get it in an
ascii. I posted lately stg that does a bit the same for an instance.

If you have your netlisting mode set to analog, and the instance CDF
of 'fgain' is set to value, you should get 'gain=value' in your netlist.

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