Minicisc Sony MR Z90



Dual concentric power connector problem . I've successfully resoldered this
socket connector to the board and come to test it. Owner has the original ps
and lead. The smallest connector of my adaptor set seems to fit, labled
2.35x0.75 mm. Diverter switch works with htis adaptor , socket pin connects
through and outer socket contact connects through (trying with a pin poked
in there) but will not connect with the shaft of my adaptor. Is it too much
of a plastic bead on the end of the shaft wedging the side contact too far
out of the way ? do I need to chamfer it down a bit ? or do I need
something more like 2.6x1mm connector
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 16:21:35 -0000, "N_Cook" <>wrote:

Dual concentric power connector problem . I've successfully resoldered this
socket connector to the board and come to test it. Owner has the original ps
and lead. The smallest connector of my adaptor set seems to fit, labled
2.35x0.75 mm. Diverter switch works with htis adaptor , socket pin connects
through and outer socket contact connects through (trying with a pin poked
in there) but will not connect with the shaft of my adaptor. Is it too much
of a plastic bead on the end of the shaft wedging the side contact too far
out of the way ? do I need to chamfer it down a bit ? or do I need
something more like 2.6x1mm connector
I was never able to get any connector to work on my MZ-NF621 except
the original AC-ET305K adaptor connector. I suppose it has something
to do with the plastic tip on the Sony adaptor connector.

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