Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons



Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons

Do you know Mind Control Weapons and Brain Washing (such as CIA Mind
Control Project : MKULTRA) ? Do you know voice can be transmitted to
human's head from long distance(V2K)? (In 2002, the Air Force Research
Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to
send words into someone's head.)Do you know Directed Energy
Weapons(such as: Electromagnetic weapons) and Non-lethal Weapons? Do
you know that people's thoughts can be read now? Do you know Nano
technology weapons (such as British MI5 Nano technology spy weapons
which can control little spy mice from long distance)?

Such kinds of weapons have already been used covertly to torture and
harass innocent, legal, unarmed and defenseless civilians for many
years all over the world.

There are more than 1500 people who are suffering terribly from mind
control and electromagnetic weapons torturing and harassment. Some
victims were only 21-22 years old when the first time they were
seriously tortured and harassed.

Have you ever imagined that there even was not one happy and peace day
in the life, but only suffering for 5,10 or 20 years? Yes! Some
victims died, but at the last minutes in their lives, the only thing
belongs to them was still suffering.

Please come to help us by signing your support to stop these kinds of
weapons torturing and harassing lawful citizens. Our goals:

(1) We wish a resolution from United Nations to stop Mind Control and
Directed Energy weapons torturing and harassing. (2) We wish all
government cooperate together to sentence those torturers according to

More Information, please come to http://soleilmavis.googlepages.com
Blog: http://soleilmavis.spaces.live.com

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