Dmitriy Shurin
I use Cadence v. 5.0.0 sub-version 5.0.33_USR2.34.8. The kit i
work with is tsmc 0.18u.
I am trying to build a mimcap without using ctmdummy layer.
While running drc I have no errors ,however while running extract
i receive an error "capv56 does not connect to two layers".
I think that divaext.rul does not recognize my layout as a mimcap.
Is there any way to build a mimcap without using ctmdummy layer?
I have to reduce the pitch...
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work with is tsmc 0.18u.
I am trying to build a mimcap without using ctmdummy layer.
While running drc I have no errors ,however while running extract
i receive an error "capv56 does not connect to two layers".
I think that divaext.rul does not recognize my layout as a mimcap.
Is there any way to build a mimcap without using ctmdummy layer?
I have to reduce the pitch...
Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG