Chris Hornberger
I'm looking to build a simple analog to digital circuit as a pet project
thing, to help me get back in to electronics. I tinkered quite a bit as a
kid, but I'm rusty. Very rusty.
Here's what I'm looking to do... measure the voltage/resistance on a sensor
as it approaches ground, then turn that value into some digitally
transmitted value.
The example would be, say, the temperature sensor on the average automotive
engine, and pump that value at an RS232 line. I'm a programmer and can
handle the software side of things on the computer or data acquisition
device (probably in Java). I guess I'm just looking for a little guidance on
the converter/hardware side.
Any place in particular I should look, and/or could someone lend a hand?
chornbe - yep, that's me
chris at chornbe dot com
GL1100 rider
all around nice guy!
thing, to help me get back in to electronics. I tinkered quite a bit as a
kid, but I'm rusty. Very rusty.
Here's what I'm looking to do... measure the voltage/resistance on a sensor
as it approaches ground, then turn that value into some digitally
transmitted value.
The example would be, say, the temperature sensor on the average automotive
engine, and pump that value at an RS232 line. I'm a programmer and can
handle the software side of things on the computer or data acquisition
device (probably in Java). I guess I'm just looking for a little guidance on
the converter/hardware side.
Any place in particular I should look, and/or could someone lend a hand?
chornbe - yep, that's me
chris at chornbe dot com
GL1100 rider
all around nice guy!