microcontrollers in Ocrad9.2



Hi,please help me
my Orcad 9.2 doesn't have "8951 microcontroller" in its partS list.
how can I have 8951 microcontroller in my orcad?
Also, I need a "keyboard" part containing only numbers from 0_9 (like
telephone surface) in orcad ,help me with finding a keyboard like this
in orcad!
ThanQ so much!
coolwarrior4ever@yahoo.com (Neg) wrote:

Hi,please help me
my Orcad 9.2 doesn't have "8951 microcontroller" in its partS list.
how can I have 8951 microcontroller in my orcad?
Also, I need a "keyboard" part containing only numbers from 0_9 (like
telephone surface) in orcad ,help me with finding a keyboard like this
in orcad!
ThanQ so much!
You could design there components yourself. This isn't difficult to do
and doesn't take much time either. The advantage is that you can
design the parts in a way that suits you most.

Reply to nico@nctdevpuntnl (punt=.)
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Neg wrote:

Hi,please help me
my Orcad 9.2 doesn't have "8951 microcontroller" in its partS list.
how can I have 8951 microcontroller in my orcad?
Also, I need a "keyboard" part containing only numbers from 0_9 (like
telephone surface) in orcad ,help me with finding a keyboard like this
in orcad!
ThanQ so much!
use 8051, or 8052 or 80C51 or 80C52

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