Microcontroller reset condition



RESET pin is active low.
During powering up, the RESET pin is being pulled high.
I encounter a situation where under certain condition, microcontroller
resets without any glitches observed at RESET pin which is still HIGH
at 3.3V. The sytem resets itself, and I assume that's because of
microcontroller resets.
So I was wondering whether RESET pin needs to be driven low before
resetting? Any other forms of reset that doesn't need a low on RESET
Dummy wrote:

RESET pin is active low.
During powering up, the RESET pin is being pulled high.
I encounter a situation where under certain condition, microcontroller
resets without any glitches observed at RESET pin which is still HIGH
at 3.3V. The sytem resets itself, and I assume that's because of
microcontroller resets.
So I was wondering whether RESET pin needs to be driven low before
resetting? Any other forms of reset that doesn't need a low on RESET
What uC ? Power glitches? Someone else mentioned watchdog. Does this uC
have illegal opcode trap? Have you forgotten to enclose the program in a
while(forever) loop? Is your test gear fast enough to see all relevant
glitches? Is it really a reset, or is it just vectoring to the restart
routine via say an uninitialised interrupt vector?

Paul Burke
On 18 May 2004 00:34:24 -0700, ahkit1021@yahoo.com (Dummy) wrote:

RESET pin is active low.
During powering up, the RESET pin is being pulled high.
I encounter a situation where under certain condition, microcontroller
resets without any glitches observed at RESET pin which is still HIGH
at 3.3V. The sytem resets itself, and I assume that's because of
microcontroller resets.
So I was wondering whether RESET pin needs to be driven low before
resetting? Any other forms of reset that doesn't need a low on RESET
Just solder a 1K resistor in series from reset pin to Vcc and be done with it.

Remove "HeadFromButt", before replying by email.
Sorry, make that a 10K ohm not 1K...


Remove "HeadFromButt", before replying by email.
most likely the watchdog timer. disable it in the configuration settings.

"Dummy" <ahkit1021@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:74bb84c0.0405172334.2d877dc9@posting.google.com...
RESET pin is active low.
During powering up, the RESET pin is being pulled high.
I encounter a situation where under certain condition, microcontroller
resets without any glitches observed at RESET pin which is still HIGH
at 3.3V. The sytem resets itself, and I assume that's because of
microcontroller resets.
So I was wondering whether RESET pin needs to be driven low before
resetting? Any other forms of reset that doesn't need a low on RESET

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