In researching different microcontrollers on different sites, one made the
staement that their microcontroller can be re-programmed up to about 1000
times. Sounds like alot at first, but it you are trying 10-20 programs a day
(experiments from a book with your own variations, etc) then that does not
give one more than several months of use until the microcontroller might
need replacing. I have seen this mention of 1000 reprogramings on only one
site. Is this as limit of this specific microcontroller, or are all
microcontrollers like this and simply dont mention it? I understand that
flash memory has a limited number of rewrites. There are articles about how
digital camera flash memory cards can be (re-)used about 10,000 times.
Although some manufactures say that their cards can be re-used one million
I am considering getting the Basic Stamp "board of education" kit. It seems
pretty complete, kit wise, and seems well documented.
staement that their microcontroller can be re-programmed up to about 1000
times. Sounds like alot at first, but it you are trying 10-20 programs a day
(experiments from a book with your own variations, etc) then that does not
give one more than several months of use until the microcontroller might
need replacing. I have seen this mention of 1000 reprogramings on only one
site. Is this as limit of this specific microcontroller, or are all
microcontrollers like this and simply dont mention it? I understand that
flash memory has a limited number of rewrites. There are articles about how
digital camera flash memory cards can be (re-)used about 10,000 times.
Although some manufactures say that their cards can be re-used one million
I am considering getting the Basic Stamp "board of education" kit. It seems
pretty complete, kit wise, and seems well documented.