I've a relative newbie to electronics and PIC microcontrollers in
particular. I'm trying to design a cct using PIC16F628A.
I'm looking at the Microchip mid-range PIC document
(DS31028A-page28-4), and this shows a diagram of how to isolate VDD
from VPP when the ICSP connector is connected.
The diagram consists of VDD connected to a resistor (R1) and a
capacitor (C1). Between the capacitor is a diode(D1) which is
connected (normal bias) to _MCLR/VPP and the ICSP connector. A second
connection is made from VDD to the VDD pin via resistor(R2) on the PIC
and ICSPconnector.
(anybody care to show me some ASCII cct drawing tools?)
I understand that D1 protects/isolates the main cct from the +13v VPP
when programming.
My questions are;
1) D1 is referred to as a Schotky diode in the document. Can somebody
explain what one is, and recommend a model number for me to use.
2) Also, no values are given for R1, R2 and C1. I assume 'cos they
can't possibly know the capacitance of a third party cct, but can
anybody recomend good starting values for these? I can give you a
pointer to my circuit on the web if you'd like to see the cct. Should
C1 be a tantalum cap or electrolytic, ceramic or what?
3) I don't use any of the other programming pins for my application to
make life easy, but my cct has another component which fires off a data
burst to my PIC periodically. I assume this won't affect the PIC while
it's being programmed? Or should I isolate the entire cct from VDD via
a dip switch or something to be sure?
I've a relative newbie to electronics and PIC microcontrollers in
particular. I'm trying to design a cct using PIC16F628A.
I'm looking at the Microchip mid-range PIC document
(DS31028A-page28-4), and this shows a diagram of how to isolate VDD
from VPP when the ICSP connector is connected.
The diagram consists of VDD connected to a resistor (R1) and a
capacitor (C1). Between the capacitor is a diode(D1) which is
connected (normal bias) to _MCLR/VPP and the ICSP connector. A second
connection is made from VDD to the VDD pin via resistor(R2) on the PIC
and ICSPconnector.
(anybody care to show me some ASCII cct drawing tools?)
I understand that D1 protects/isolates the main cct from the +13v VPP
when programming.
My questions are;
1) D1 is referred to as a Schotky diode in the document. Can somebody
explain what one is, and recommend a model number for me to use.
2) Also, no values are given for R1, R2 and C1. I assume 'cos they
can't possibly know the capacitance of a third party cct, but can
anybody recomend good starting values for these? I can give you a
pointer to my circuit on the web if you'd like to see the cct. Should
C1 be a tantalum cap or electrolytic, ceramic or what?
3) I don't use any of the other programming pins for my application to
make life easy, but my cct has another component which fires off a data
burst to my PIC periodically. I assume this won't affect the PIC while
it's being programmed? Or should I isolate the entire cct from VDD via
a dip switch or something to be sure?