Microchip PIC programming question



Hi, I started programming PICS not to long ago 16F84A to be exact. I knew there
were no value compares within the instruction set but now I am in need of some
compare code. I did search the net and ran across a couple using the status
reg. carry and zero bits, but I have found some problems using it. I am doing
16bit compare but I can modify 8bit compare code to work for my needs. any help
will be appreciated
dafly98@aol.com (DAFLY98) wrote:
Hi, I started programming PICS not to long ago 16F84A to be exact. I knew there
were no value compares within the instruction set but now I am in need of some
compare code.
"As a result of a subtract operation, the C bit is cleared to zero if
a borrow occurs, and is set otherwise."

Design With PIC Microcontrollers
John B. Peatman
Prentice Hall
ISBN 0-13-759259-0

William Smith
ComputerSmiths Consulting, Inc. www.compusmiths.com

In general piclist is great help if you are looking for PIC code.

"DAFLY98" <dafly98@aol.com> wrote in message
Hi, I started programming PICS not to long ago 16F84A to be exact. I knew
were no value compares within the instruction set but now I am in need of
compare code. I did search the net and ran across a couple using the
reg. carry and zero bits, but I have found some problems using it. I am
16bit compare but I can modify 8bit compare code to work for my needs. any
will be appreciated

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