MicroCap - Anomaly



For some months I have tested MicroCap rel. 7 Demo and everything was right, but an anomaly often appears recently.
When I perform a "Save" or "Save as" MicroCap doesn't save the project as ".cir" but as ".cir$$TEMP$$" as if the project
were temporary.
Can someone help me?

Is there a corresponding .CIR file with this? Micro-Cap saves to the
temporary extension first and then when the save is complete, it will
rename over to the .CIR file. This is to prevent any loss if the
computer happens to shut down such as with a blackout during the save
operation. Haven't seen this happen before, but maybe a firewall or
some anti-virus scheme is preventing Micro-Cap from doing the rename
<bill@spectrum-soft.com> wrote in message 1145566992.862165.327640@u72g2000cwu.googlegroups.com...
Is there a corresponding .CIR file with this?

Since you are just using the demo version, can you try downloading the
Micro-Cap 8 demo version and see if it does it there? Something is
preventing Micro-Cap from renaming the .cir$$TEMP$$ file to the normal
..cir extension. My guess is some security setting on your system. We
just added an error check in the MC8 demo version to see if anything
comes up.

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