Microblaze simulation


Edward Buckley

Dear all,

I'm currently attempting to simulate the microblaze core, following
the instructions given in the "EDK Microblaze Tutorial v3.2" from
Xilinx. I'm using EDK v3.2 and ISE v5.2, with Modelsim XE v5.6e. I
have also followed the instructions for compiling the behavioural
model libraries exactly as specified.

However,when I come to compile the .do file from my project in
Modelsim, I get errors like

# ERROR: C:/edk_libs/microblaze_v2_00_a/microblaze/_primary.dat(1):
near ";":This version of compiler incompatible with library .dat file
# ERROR: C:/edk_libs/microblaze_v2_00_a/microblaze/_primary.dat(1):
syntax error
# ERROR: C:/edk_libs/microblaze_v2_00_a/microblaze/_primary.dat: This
version of compiler incompatible with library .dat file
# ERROR: C:/edk_libs/microblaze_v2_00_a/microblaze/_primary.dat(1):
syntax error
# WARNING[1]: c:/code/vhdl/microblaze/hdl/microblaze_wrapper.vhd(536):
No default binding for component: "microblaze". (No entity named
"microblaze" was found)
# ERROR: c:/code/vhdl/microblaze/hdl/microblaze_wrapper.vhd(539): VHDL
Compiler exiting
# ERROR: C:/Modeltech_xe_starter/win32xoem/vcom failed.

Does anyone know what has happened here? How can this version of the
compiler possibly be incompatible with the files that were generated
by it??

Many thanks,

Hi Edward.
ModelSIm XE supports only 500 lines of code, so you need to get
ModelSim SE/PE to run MicroBlaze simulation.
ramntn@yahoo.com (ram) wrote in message news:<61c2cc9d.0401142200.61fb3d7@posting.google.com>...
Hi Edward.
ModelSIm XE supports only 500 lines of code, so you need to get
ModelSim SE/PE to run MicroBlaze simulation.
Hi Ed,

Possibly a cheaper and more effective option to buying Modelsim SE/PE
is to get yourself a QuartusII and a NIOS dev kit. Not only will you
have a much better,flexible and mature embedded micro core, you'll be
able to simulate to your hearts content with the Modelsim OEM.

-- Rich.

ModelSim XE Starter is free and supports 500 lines of code.
ModelSim XE is a $945 option and supports 40,000 lines of code.


ram wrote:

Hi Edward.
ModelSIm XE supports only 500 lines of code, so you need to get
ModelSim SE/PE to run MicroBlaze simulation.

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