Are there any technical reasons why Micro-Cap 8 shouldn't be bought as a direct
replacement for PSpice? Most of us are keen to ditch the "industry standard",
because, well, we decided today over coffee and buns that we simply don't like
it very much. Don't ask why, it's just us. Perhaps we're just looking for new
thrills... A few of us have briefly tested the evaluation version of Micro-Cap
8, and it seems quite impressive... Any longer-term users prepared to recommend
it? I'd be very interested to hear if anyone out there is currently having a
happy relationship with Micro-Cap 8... Why does it make you smile?
Or - even more interestingly - are there any bitter, twisted "Micro-Cap 8 ruined
my life!" folk willing to put the boot in? Now's your chance...
Naturally, for the last few years I've personally used the lean, mean LTspice
for all my simulations. PSpice makes me tense... Unfortunately, some of the
other guys are somewhat sceptical about something you can download for the
princely sum of bugger all. No matter how loudly I shout.
I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing to express sincere thanks to Mike Engelhardt
for his mind-boggling work on LTspice. I'm no hardcore Spice expert, but for me
it's one of the genuine wonders of the software world. It's ideal for analysing
a small circuit with a few op amps etc - very quickly, and remarkably reliably.
Treat it with the respect it deserves and it rarely lets you down. If ever.
Simply great stuff. And, for what it's worth, I'm a big fan of the interface...
The problem is, after reading so many of Mike's God-like comments on this
newsgroup over the years, I'm not entirely sure I trust any other flavour of
Spice any more... So, Micro-Cap 8? Is it a nice Spice, deep down?
Are there any technical reasons why Micro-Cap 8 shouldn't be bought as a direct
replacement for PSpice? Most of us are keen to ditch the "industry standard",
because, well, we decided today over coffee and buns that we simply don't like
it very much. Don't ask why, it's just us. Perhaps we're just looking for new
thrills... A few of us have briefly tested the evaluation version of Micro-Cap
8, and it seems quite impressive... Any longer-term users prepared to recommend
it? I'd be very interested to hear if anyone out there is currently having a
happy relationship with Micro-Cap 8... Why does it make you smile?
Or - even more interestingly - are there any bitter, twisted "Micro-Cap 8 ruined
my life!" folk willing to put the boot in? Now's your chance...
Naturally, for the last few years I've personally used the lean, mean LTspice
for all my simulations. PSpice makes me tense... Unfortunately, some of the
other guys are somewhat sceptical about something you can download for the
princely sum of bugger all. No matter how loudly I shout.
I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing to express sincere thanks to Mike Engelhardt
for his mind-boggling work on LTspice. I'm no hardcore Spice expert, but for me
it's one of the genuine wonders of the software world. It's ideal for analysing
a small circuit with a few op amps etc - very quickly, and remarkably reliably.
Treat it with the respect it deserves and it rarely lets you down. If ever.
Simply great stuff. And, for what it's worth, I'm a big fan of the interface...
The problem is, after reading so many of Mike's God-like comments on this
newsgroup over the years, I'm not entirely sure I trust any other flavour of
Spice any more... So, Micro-Cap 8? Is it a nice Spice, deep down?