Michele Linca: Allstate Agent and Escort


Nomen Nescio

Allstate made her get rid of the blog, but here's a tale from her parallel career as a call girl:

"My oldest brother and I were both sexually molested by our father. Although others in our family knew about the abuse, no one protected us. I don't want to cry my entire life; what happened, happened.

Eventually one of my clients' got me pregnant. He promised that he wanted to marry me. I was gullible enough to believe him, but during my second month of pregnancy, he told me that he changed his mind (I wonder if his marriage had anything to do with it).

There was never any doubt after he told me, that I would eventually have an abortion. Before I did, I called the would-be father on the phone, and told him that I would have the abortion. He said, "You know, I think it's the best for both of us that you're doing this." Then, he gave me a spiel about how brave I was for doing it.

Before the end of the conversation, I told him that after I had the abortion, I would demand to have the fetus to give it a proper burial. Then, instead of burying it, I would call his wife when he was at work, and tell her that he left something at my house a few weeks ago, and then drive over, and give her the fetus in a garbage bag. I really wanted to do that, but I know in the end, I wouldn't, but I had him sweating for weeks. He even cried on several occasions, begging me not to do that to him. What an asshole."

Don't forget, if you need insurance or her "other" services, she's in Jupiter, FL and you can call her at any time on (561) 624-4050.

Make sure you ask her about her "radiology" specials (too good to spoil here)!!

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