MI5 Persecution: Watch Out, Forger About 27/9/95 (3591)

From: ray@ultimate-tech.com (Ray Dunn)
Newsgroups: uk.misc,soc.culture.british
Subject: Re: An apology from Mike Corley
Date: Wed Sep 27 14:20:36 1995

In referenced article, David Wooding says...
Well, Mike Corley might or might not have written the apologies, but I
think not. I thought the following line both witty and imaginative.

It was the razor blades stuffed down between the keys that told me.
Corley himself denies posting this "apology", but I'm impressed if it
is a forgery.

Here's the header of my received email. It looks very genuine except
for the fact that postings to newsgroups are directed through demon's
mail to news gateway, which is strange.

Also the message id is <m0sxbx2-000JEeC@bloor.torfree.net> which seems
to be in a different format from previous Corley postings, e.g.

The mail seems to have been received directly from mail.torfree.net.

One way of telling for sure would be if anyone on the recipient list
contacted torfree, but did not publish any complaints on the newsgroups
- he would not have had access to their address in that case.

Received: from SpoolDir by ULTIMATE (Mercury 1.20); 26 Sep 95 12:00:14
Return-path: <bu765@torfree.net
Received: from mail.torfree.net by smtp.ultimate-tech.com (Mercury
26 Sep 95 12:00:04 +0500
Received: from bloor.torfree.net ([]) by mail.torfree.net
(/\==/\ Smail3.1.28.1 #28.6; 16-jun-94)
via sendmail with smtp id <m0sxbyy-000LXSC@mail.torfree.net
for <ray@ultimate-tech.com>; Tue, 26 Sep 95 11:31 EDT
Received: from torfree.net by bloor.torfree.net with smtp
(Smail3.1.28.1 #6) id m0sxbx2-000JEeC; Tue, 26 Sep 95 11:29 EDT
Message-Id: <m0sxbx2-000JEeC@bloor.torfree.net
Apparently-To: bu765@torfree.net, snail@objmedia.demon.co.uk,
ray@ultimate-tech.com, Frank@acclaim.demon.co.uk,
p.marshall@axion.bt.co.uk, me93jrb@brunel.ac.uk,
michael@everyman.demon.co.uk, tim@xara.co.uk,
Alan.Holmes@brunel.ac.uk, uk.misc@news.demon.co.uk,
uk-misc@news.demon.co.uk, uk-media@news.demon.co.uk,
uk.media@news.demon.co.uk, uk.legal@news.demon.co.uk,
uk-legal@news.demon.co.uk, alt-conspiracy@news.demon.co.uk,
Newsgroups: uk.misc, uk.media, soc.culture.british,
soc.culture.canada, uk.legal, alt.conspiracy
From: bu765@torfree.net (Mike Corley)
Subject: Oops! Sorry!
Organization: Toronto Free-Net
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1995 01:23:45 GMT
Lines: 27
X-PMFLAGS: 33554560
Ray Dunn (opinions are my own) | Phone: (514) 938 9050
Montreal | Phax : (514) 938 5225
ray@ultimate-tech.com | Home : (514) 630 3749


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