Metal change, Transition code for Virtuoso.


I am trying to semi automate the transitions from poly to metal and
metal to metal while using Virtuoso. Below is code I whipped up.
While the path command is up and the user has laid the first wire,
lets say Metal1, and wishes to transition to Metal2, the user would
press the alt "2"
keys and would transition to Metal2 with a via below. The line
le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584937 102 26 "metal2
(drawing)"); simply changes the Path form to Metal2. The issue with
this code is the number "12584937" in the example is "techLPld"(i
think from the error i get) and needs to change each transition(be
unique). Any ideas how I would do this?

form->changePathLayer->value =
*Error* lefSetEnv: Invalid techLPId object - nil

The other way I have tried to do this is with code from Cadence(after
the first example below), which works on one of our PDKs fine but not
on the nine other PDKs we use. This is due to how the tech file
needs to be set. Our DA team is always slammed so.....

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


;Transition code is used with the path command. The code allows
;from one metal layer(or poly) to the next without touching the path
;command form. Poly is the "0" key, 1 is M1 and so on.

le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584943 102 26
"metal3 (drawing)");
le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584937 102 26
"metal2 (drawing)");
le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584935 102 26
"metal1 (drawing)");
le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584931 102 26 "poly

hiSetBindKeys( "Layout" list(
list("Alt<Key>0" "m0trans()");
list("Alt<Key>1" "m1trans()");
list("Alt<Key>2" "m2trans()");
list("Alt<Key>3" "m3trans()");

end of first code

Code from Cadence, but needs tech file to be formatted for code to
work properly.

;* DISCLAIMER: The following code is provided for Cadence customers *
;* to use at their own risk. The code may require modification to *
;* satisfy the requirements of any user. The code and any *
;* modifications to the code may not be compatible with current or *
;* future versions of Cadence products. *

;; the CCSlayerUp() and CCSlayerDown() commands are intended
;; to be assigned to bindkeys and should supply the arguments
;; "topLayer"/"bottomLayer" and "silent" to be passed to the
;; CCSchangePathLayer() command
;; The example below assumes a 3-layer metal process with
;; the "poly1" layer being the bottom-most interconnect and
;; the "M3" layer being the top-most metal layer.

list("Ctrl<Btn2Down>" nil "CCSlayerUp(\"M3\")")
list("Ctrl<Btn3Down>" nil "CCSlayerDown(\"poly1\")")

;* *
;* CCSlayerUp([t_topLayer | nil] [g_silent]) *
;* This procedure calls the CCSchangePathLayer function if the *
;* current command is the Path command. The "topLayer" and *
;* "silent" arguments are passed through without being checked *
;* *

procedure(CCSlayerUp(@optional topLayer silent)
let( ((wid hiGetCurrentWindow()))
when(wid && hiGetCurrentCmd(wid)=="Path"
CCSchangePathLayer("up" topLayer silent)
); when
); let
); procedure CCSlayerUp

;* *
;* CCSlayerDown([t_bottomLayer | nil] [g_silent]) *
;* This procedure calls the CCSchangePathLayer function if the *
;* current command is the Path command. The "bottomLayer" and *
;* "silent" arguments are passed through without being checked *
;* *

procedure(CCSlayerDown(@optional bottomLayer silent)
let( ((wid hiGetCurrentWindow()))
when(wid && hiGetCurrentCmd(wid)=="Path"
CCSchangePathLayer("down" bottomLayer silent)
); when
); let
); procedure CCSlayerDown

;* *
;* CCSchangePathLayer( *
;* [t_direction] *
;* [t_limit | nil] *
;* [g_silent] *
;* ) *
;* This procedure is designed to be called during the Create *
;* Path enterfunction. The direction argument controls whether *
;* the layer is changed up or down, "up" or "down" are valid *
;* values. The limit argument specifies the top layer name as *
;* a limit in the up direction or the bottom layer name as the *
;* limit in the down direction, this information is needed to *
;* cope with the top or bottom layer conditions when the Change *
;* To Layer field typically contains only 2 entries. The silent *
;* argument controls whether information messages are output to *
;* the CIW while changing the path layer, 't' turns them off. *
;* *

procedure(CCSchangePathLayer(@optional (direction "down")
limit silent "tgg")
let( (form pathLayers)
when(and( form = hiGetCurrentForm()
pathLayers = form->changePathLayer->choices
;; if the change layer direction is 'down' and as long as
;; there are at least three choices, choose the second
;; layer which should be one layer down from current
(and(direction=="down" length(pathLayers)>=3)
form->changePathLayer->value = cadr(pathLayers)
;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
printf("changed layer %s to %s\n"
direction cadddr(cadr(pathLayers)))
); unless
;; if the change layer direction is 'up' and as long as
;; there are at least three choices, then select the third
;; choice which should be one layer up from current
(and(direction=="up" length(pathLayers)>=3)
form->changePathLayer->value = caddr(pathLayers)
;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
printf("changed layer %s to %s\n"
direction cadddr(caddr(pathLayers)))
); unless
;; if there are two choices and we are changing up choose
;; the second layer which should be one layer up from current
(and(direction=="up" length(pathLayers)==2)
form->changePathLayer->value = cadr(pathLayers)
;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
printf("changed layer %s to %s\n"
direction cadddr(cadr(pathLayers)))
); unless
;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
printf("could not change layer %s from %s\n"
direction cadddr(form->changePathLayer->value))
); unless
); if
;; if there are two choices and we are changing down choose
;; the second layer which should be one layer down from
(and(direction=="down" length(pathLayers)==2)
form->changePathLayer->value = cadr(pathLayers)
;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
printf("changed layer %s to %s\n"
direction cadddr(cadr(pathLayers)))
); unless
;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
printf("could not change layer %s from %s\n"
direction cadddr(form->changePathLayer->value))
); unless
); if
;; for any other condition don't do anything
;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
printf("could not change layer %s from %s\n" direction
); unless
); cond
); when
); let
); procedure CCSchangePathLayer wrote, on 01/14/09 17:53:

I am trying to semi automate the transitions from poly to metal and
metal to metal while using Virtuoso. Below is code I whipped up.
While the path command is up and the user has laid the first wire,
lets say Metal1, and wishes to transition to Metal2, the user would
press the alt "2"
keys and would transition to Metal2 with a via below. The line
le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584937 102 26 "metal2
(drawing)"); simply changes the Path form to Metal2. The issue with
this code is the number "12584937" in the example is "techLPld"(i
think from the error i get) and needs to change each transition(be
unique). Any ideas how I would do this?

form->changePathLayer->value =
*Error* lefSetEnv: Invalid techLPId object - nil

The other way I have tried to do this is with code from Cadence(after
the first example below), which works on one of our PDKs fine but not
on the nine other PDKs we use. This is due to how the tech file
needs to be set. Our DA team is always slammed so.....

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


;Transition code is used with the path command. The code allows
;from one metal layer(or poly) to the next without touching the path
;command form. Poly is the "0" key, 1 is M1 and so on.

le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584943 102 26
"metal3 (drawing)");
le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584937 102 26
"metal2 (drawing)");
le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584935 102 26
"metal1 (drawing)");
le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584931 102 26 "poly

hiSetBindKeys( "Layout" list(
list("Alt<Key>0" "m0trans()");
list("Alt<Key>1" "m1trans()");
list("Alt<Key>2" "m2trans()");
list("Alt<Key>3" "m3trans()");

end of first code

Perhaps you can explain why the Cadence code doesn't work - it wasn't obvious to
me what it would need from the tech file that was particularly special?

Anyway, I think what you want (for your code) is:

list(list("metal2" "drawing"))

So you could write a general function:

le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value =
list(list(layer "drawing"))

and then m1trans() would become:


hiMakeLPChoiceList() would normally be used to construct the choices for a
layer-cyclic field, but in this case I'm using it to just find a list of choices
for a list of a single layer...



Andrew Beckett
Senior Solution Architect - Cadence Design Systems Ltd (UK)
On Jan 14, 12:46 pm, Andrew Beckett <andr...@DcEaLdEeTnEcTe.HcIoSm>
wrote: wrote, on 01/14/09 17:53:


I am trying to semi automate the transitions from poly to metal and
metal to metal while using Virtuoso.   Below is code I whipped up.
While the path command is up and the user has laid the first wire,
lets say Metal1, and wishes to transition to Metal2, the user would
press the alt "2"
keys and would transition to Metal2 with a via below.  The line
le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584937 102 26 "metal2
(drawing)"); simply changes the Path form to Metal2.   The issue with
this code is the number "12584937" in the example is "techLPld"(i
think from the error i get) and needs to change each transition(be
unique).  Any ideas how I would do this?

 form->changePathLayer->value > > *Error* lefSetEnv: Invalid techLPId object - nil

The other way I have tried to do this is with code from Cadence(after
the first example below), which works on one of our PDKs fine but not
on the nine other PDKs we use.   This is due to how the tech file
needs to be set.  Our DA team is always slammed so.....

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


;====================================================================> > ;Transition code is used with the path command. The code allows
;from one metal layer(or poly) to the next without touching the path
;command form.  Poly is the "0" key, 1 is M1 and so on.
        le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584943 102 26
"metal3 (drawing)");
        le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584937 102 26
"metal2 (drawing)");
        le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584935 102 26
"metal1 (drawing)");
        le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(12584931 102 26 "poly

hiSetBindKeys( "Layout" list(
list("Alt<Key>0"                "m0trans()");
list("Alt<Key>1"                "m1trans()");
list("Alt<Key>2"                "m2trans()");
list("Alt<Key>3"                "m3trans()");

end of first code


Perhaps you can explain why the Cadence code doesn't work - it wasn't obvious to
me what it would need from the tech file that was particularly special?

Anyway, I think what you want (for your code) is:

     list(list("metal2" "drawing"))

So you could write a general function:

   le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value >      car(
         list(list(layer "drawing"))

and then m1trans() would become:


hiMakeLPChoiceList() would normally be used to construct the choices for a
layer-cyclic field, but in this case I'm using it to just find a list of choices
for a list of a single layer...



Andrew Beckett
Senior Solution Architect - Cadence Design Systems Ltd (UK)- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
Thank you for your reply. I will try your suggestions as soon as I

Andrew you wrote,

;; if there are two choices and we are changing up choose
;; the second layer which should be one layer up from current

Perhaps you can explain why the Cadence code doesn't work - it wasn't obvious to
me what it would need from the tech file that was particularly special?
I have not investigated this entirely, but between the two of us maybe
we can get the answer.

In the PDK that the cadence code works on the "change to layer" Create
Path form has only three layers to choose from
unless you are on the top or bottom layer, then there are two. For
instance, if you are on the "poly" layer the "change to layer" has
poly and metal1 only. If you are on Metal1 there will be Metal1, 2,
and Metal3 as selections. This is the behavour I see with the PDK
that the code works on.

The PDKs that the code doesn't work on has layers in the "change to
layer" such as RX and so forth. One PDK had all metals and poly as a
selection. So, transitioning would sometimes give an unexpected
layer such as RX. It seems the Create Path command uses the tech file
to get the list, is that correct? And if that is true, I suspect
that one of our PDKs has a tech file that is compatible and the rest
do not.

I am new to Cadence and Skill as an Intel refuge so I may need more
help to implement your suggestions. I do have some programming
background and am finishing a Cadence class on Skill.

Thank you for your input. It is beyond appreciated.
Eric wrote, on 01/14/09 19:32:
;; if there are two choices and we are changing up choose
;; the second layer which should be one layer up from current

Perhaps you can explain why the Cadence code doesn't work - it wasn't obvious to
me what it would need from the tech file that was particularly special?

I have not investigated this entirely, but between the two of us maybe
we can get the answer.

In the PDK that the cadence code works on the "change to layer" Create
Path form has only three layers to choose from
unless you are on the top or bottom layer, then there are two. For
instance, if you are on the "poly" layer the "change to layer" has
poly and metal1 only. If you are on Metal1 there will be Metal1, 2,
and Metal3 as selections. This is the behavour I see with the PDK
that the code works on.

The PDKs that the code doesn't work on has layers in the "change to
layer" such as RX and so forth. One PDK had all metals and poly as a
selection. So, transitioning would sometimes give an unexpected
layer such as RX. It seems the Create Path command uses the tech file
to get the list, is that correct? And if that is true, I suspect
that one of our PDKs has a tech file that is compatible and the rest
do not.

I am new to Cadence and Skill as an Intel refuge so I may need more
help to implement your suggestions. I do have some programming
background and am finishing a Cadence class on Skill.

Thank you for your input. It is beyond appreciated.
I presume "RX" is showing up in the list of layers on the form?

As far as I recall, the layers is determined by the symbolic contacts in the
tech file - it uses the layers in the symbolic contacts to figure out which
layers it knows how to traverse between.

Can you pick "RX" from the form? Or is it just that you don't want to ever
choose that layer when you go up or down?


On Jan 15, 5:19 am, Andrew Beckett <andr...@DcEaLdEeTnEcTe.HcIoSm>
wrote: wrote, on 01/14/09 19:32:

;; if there are two choices and we are changing up choose
;; the second layer which should be one layer up from current

Perhaps you can explain why the Cadence code doesn't work - it wasn't obvious to
me what it would need from the tech file that was particularly special?

I have not investigated this entirely, but between the two of us maybe
we can get the answer.

In the PDK that the cadence code works on the "change to layer" Create
Path form has only three layers to choose from
unless you are on the top or bottom layer, then there are two.   For
instance, if you are on the "poly" layer the "change to layer" has
poly and metal1 only.   If you are on Metal1 there will be Metal1, 2,
and Metal3 as selections.   This is the behavour I see  with the PDK
that the code works on.

The PDKs that the code doesn't work on has layers in the "change to
layer" such as RX and so forth.  One PDK had all metals and poly as a
selection.   So, transitioning would sometimes give an unexpected
layer such as RX. It seems the Create Path command uses the tech file
to get the list, is that correct?   And if that is true, I suspect
that one of our PDKs has a tech file that is compatible and the rest
do not.

I am new to Cadence and Skill as an Intel refuge so I may need more
help to implement your suggestions.  I do have some programming
background and am finishing a Cadence class on Skill.

Thank you for your input.  It is beyond appreciated.

I presume "RX" is showing up in the list of layers on the form?

As far as I recall, the layers is determined by the symbolic contacts in the
tech file - it uses the layers in the symbolic contacts to figure out which
layers it knows how to traverse between.

Can you pick "RX" from the form? Or is it just that you don't want to ever
choose that layer when you go up or down?


Andrew.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
Yes you can pick the RX from the form and it isn't an appropriate
metal layer, it appears our symbolic contacts are
not formatted properly.

At any rate I was able to drop your code in and it worked perfect, so
I consider the issue resolved. If I get time, I will come back and
take another look at why our tech file doesn't work with the cadence

For a summary, I wanted code to be able to transition from a metal
layer to the next metal layer up or down without going to the Create
Path form to increase productivity as my team hand routes all

Thank you,

le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value car(
list(list(layer "drawing"))





hiSetBindKeys( "Layout" list(
list("Alt<Key>0" "m0trans()");
list("Alt<Key>1" "m1trans()");
list("Alt<Key>2" "m2trans()");
list("Alt<Key>3" "m3trans()");

Welcome to

