So, I have a 32-bit processor design which I'd like to move to the
implementation stage, and I was wondering which of the
currently-available boards have 32-bit wide memory... I don't really
fancy designing my own because I've never ventured near 4-layer boards,
and if I was making my own, I'd want one of the FG456 packages, and
presumably you'd have to get that professionally soldered anyway...
As far as I can tell:
Xilinx starter kit
Pros: 32-bit wide RAM
LCD/Leds for debugging
PS2/VGA outputs
Price: $99
Only 1 MByte of RAM
Uses the '200 part not the '400
No ethernet PHY
Fixed oscillator freq. (the CPU goes faster
Not many user-IO's available
AVnet Spartan-3 evaluation kit
Pros: '400 part used
Two oscillators, socketed
Lots of IO's available
Ethernet, VGA, PS2, RS232, Leds etc.
Could potentially be a PCI card
Cons: Only 1 MByte RAM
Not clear if the memory is 32-bit wide
Price is $399
Memec DS-KIT-3SLC400-PAC
Cons: Has no memory on-board, enough said.
Nu Horizons Spartan3 board
Pros: Uses the '400 part, but only in the '208 package
Has D2A and A2D onboard
Has Flash RAM
Has LCD (4x24) as well as leds,buttons etc.
Has spare oscillator socket for > 20MHz operation
Price - $164
Cons: SDRAM appears to be 16-bit wide
Only has ~20 user io due to '208 package
So, nothing is perfect [grin], The AVNet one may be the best of the
bunch, despite being the most expensive, so long as it has 32-bit wide
RAM. I'd really appreciate it if someone who already has the board could
tell me
For the record (in case any board companies are listening my ideal
board would be something like:
- FG456 Spartan 3 '400 part
- Lots of user-IO, some with pin headers not obscure connectors
- 32+ bit wide RAM, either SRAM or SDRAM. How about a DIMM
- Ethernet PHY
- Leds / buttons / LED (or LCD) display
- VGA and PS2 connectors
- PCI edge connector would be nice but not essential
If Xilinx can do theirs for $99, I think the above could be do-able for
$200 (or $199 in marketing speak). I'd bite your hand off
implementation stage, and I was wondering which of the
currently-available boards have 32-bit wide memory... I don't really
fancy designing my own because I've never ventured near 4-layer boards,
and if I was making my own, I'd want one of the FG456 packages, and
presumably you'd have to get that professionally soldered anyway...
As far as I can tell:
Xilinx starter kit
Pros: 32-bit wide RAM
LCD/Leds for debugging
PS2/VGA outputs
Price: $99
Only 1 MByte of RAM
Uses the '200 part not the '400
No ethernet PHY
Fixed oscillator freq. (the CPU goes faster
Not many user-IO's available
AVnet Spartan-3 evaluation kit
Pros: '400 part used
Two oscillators, socketed
Lots of IO's available
Ethernet, VGA, PS2, RS232, Leds etc.
Could potentially be a PCI card
Cons: Only 1 MByte RAM
Not clear if the memory is 32-bit wide
Price is $399
Memec DS-KIT-3SLC400-PAC
Cons: Has no memory on-board, enough said.
Nu Horizons Spartan3 board
Pros: Uses the '400 part, but only in the '208 package
Has D2A and A2D onboard
Has Flash RAM
Has LCD (4x24) as well as leds,buttons etc.
Has spare oscillator socket for > 20MHz operation
Price - $164
Cons: SDRAM appears to be 16-bit wide
Only has ~20 user io due to '208 package
So, nothing is perfect [grin], The AVNet one may be the best of the
bunch, despite being the most expensive, so long as it has 32-bit wide
RAM. I'd really appreciate it if someone who already has the board could
tell me
For the record (in case any board companies are listening my ideal
board would be something like:
- FG456 Spartan 3 '400 part
- Lots of user-IO, some with pin headers not obscure connectors
- 32+ bit wide RAM, either SRAM or SDRAM. How about a DIMM
- Ethernet PHY
- Leds / buttons / LED (or LCD) display
- VGA and PS2 connectors
- PCI edge connector would be nice but not essential
If Xilinx can do theirs for $99, I think the above could be do-able for
$200 (or $199 in marketing speak). I'd bite your hand off