Memory Initialization Files in Modelsim



Dear Sir or Madam,

I want to simulate a VHDL design. It includes RAM structures
with .mif files (memory initialization files in QuartusII).
Modelsim seems not to support that kind of files.
So I use .hex files.
In QuartusII they can be included in the MegaWizard-
But how do I involve these .hex files when simulating in Modelsim?
Do they have to be compiled additionally to the
design VHDL files or do they have to be linked to in the testbench?
When trying to simulate after compiling the VHDL modules I get
an error message "Fatal error ... altera_mf.vhd ... not found".

Kind regards
Andres Vazquez
G & D
System Development
ALuPin wrote:

In QuartusII they can be included in the MegaWizard-
But how do I involve these .hex files when simulating in Modelsim?
Do they have to be compiled additionally to the
design VHDL files or do they have to be linked to in the testbench?
When trying to simulate after compiling the VHDL modules I get
an error message "Fatal error ... altera_mf.vhd ... not found".

Consider using the standard vhdl templates
to infer block rom or ram to
eliminate the MegaWizard simulation hassles.

-- Mike Treseler (ALuPin) wrote in message news:<>...
Dear Sir or Madam,

I want to simulate a VHDL design. It includes RAM structures
with .mif files (memory initialization files in QuartusII).
Modelsim seems not to support that kind of files.
So I use .hex files.
In QuartusII they can be included in the MegaWizard-
But how do I involve these .hex files when simulating in Modelsim?
Do they have to be compiled additionally to the
design VHDL files or do they have to be linked to in the testbench?
When trying to simulate after compiling the VHDL modules I get
an error message "Fatal error ... altera_mf.vhd ... not found".

Kind regards
Andres Vazquez
G & D
System Development
If you have used the Megawizard PlugIn Manager and specified that the
memory should be initialized along with the correct hex file, there is
no additional step needed, to specify the memory files to Modelsim.
You can verify this by opening the VHDL or Verilog file written out
the Megawizard and check the INIT_FILE parameter. Its value should be
the path to the hex file.

If you are using Modelsim SE/PE then use the following vcom commands
in Modelsim (This is taken from the Quartus online help)

For VHDL 87-compliant designs:

vcom -work work <path to library>\220pack.vhd
vcom [-87] -explicit -work work <path to library>\220model_87.vhd
vcom -work work <path to library>\altera_mf_components.vhd
vcom [-87] -work work <path to library>\altera_mf_87.vhd
vcom -work work <design name>.vhd
vcom -work work <test bench>.vhd

For VHDL 93-compliant designs:

vcom -93 -work work <path to library>\220pack.vhd
vcom -explicit -work work <path to library>\220model.vhd
vcom -work work <path to library>\altera_mf_components.vhd
vcom -93 -work work <path to library>\altera_mf.vhd
vcom -work work <design name>.vhd
vcom -work work <test bench>.vhd

where path to library would look like d:\quartus30\eda_simlib.

Hope this helps.

- Subroto Datta
Altera Corp.

thank you for your answer.
I've tried out the following MACRO:

cd H:/EDA/Altera/USB/Packetfile_Ctrl/simulation/modelsim
vlib modelsim_work
vmap work modelsim_work
vcom -93 -work work {D:/Programme/QuartusII/eda/sim_lib/220pack.vhd}
vcom -explicit -work work
vcom -work work {D:/Programme/QuartusII/libraries/vhdl93/altera_mf_components.vhd}
vcom -93 -work work {D:/Programme/QuartusII/eda/sim_lib/altera_mf.vhd}
vcom -work work {H:/EDA/Altera/USB/Check_Transfer/CHECK_TRANSFER.vhd}
vcom -work work {H:/EDA/Altera/USB/Check_Transfer/simulation/modelsim/TB_CHECK_TRANSFER.vhd}
view signals
view wave
run 15000ns

I get the following error message when executing the MACRO:

# -- Compiling architecture lpm_syn of lpm_ram_dq
# ** Error: D:/Programme/QuartusII/eda/sim_lib/220model.vhd(3586):
FILE declaration using 1076-1993 syntax. Recompile using -93 switch.
# ** Error: D:/Programme/QuartusII/eda/sim_lib/220model.vhd(3586):
VHDL Compiler exiting
# ERROR: D:/Programme/win32aloem/vcom failed.
# Error in macro H:\EDA\Altera\USB_Extender\Check_Transfer\simulation\modelsim\
line 6
# D:/Programme/win32aloem/vcom failed.
# while executing
# "vcom -work work {D:/Programme/QuartusII/eda/sim_lib/220model.vhd}
# "

Andres Vazquez
G & D
System Development (Subroto Datta) wrote in message news:<>... (ALuPin) wrote in message news:<>...
Dear Sir or Madam,

I want to simulate a VHDL design. It includes RAM structures
with .mif files (memory initialization files in QuartusII).
Modelsim seems not to support that kind of files.
So I use .hex files.
In QuartusII they can be included in the MegaWizard-
But how do I involve these .hex files when simulating in Modelsim?
Do they have to be compiled additionally to the
design VHDL files or do they have to be linked to in the testbench?
When trying to simulate after compiling the VHDL modules I get
an error message "Fatal error ... altera_mf.vhd ... not found".

Kind regards
Andres Vazquez
G & D
System Development

If you have used the Megawizard PlugIn Manager and specified that the
memory should be initialized along with the correct hex file, there is
no additional step needed, to specify the memory files to Modelsim.
You can verify this by opening the VHDL or Verilog file written out
the Megawizard and check the INIT_FILE parameter. Its value should be
the path to the hex file.

If you are using Modelsim SE/PE then use the following vcom commands
in Modelsim (This is taken from the Quartus online help)

For VHDL 87-compliant designs:

vcom -work work <path to library>\220pack.vhd
vcom [-87] -explicit -work work <path to library>\220model_87.vhd
vcom -work work <path to library>\altera_mf_components.vhd
vcom [-87] -work work <path to library>\altera_mf_87.vhd
vcom -work work <design name>.vhd
vcom -work work <test bench>.vhd

For VHDL 93-compliant designs:

vcom -93 -work work <path to library>\220pack.vhd
vcom -explicit -work work <path to library>\220model.vhd
vcom -work work <path to library>\altera_mf_components.vhd
vcom -93 -work work <path to library>\altera_mf.vhd
vcom -work work <design name>.vhd
vcom -work work <test bench>.vhd

where path to library would look like d:\quartus30\eda_simlib.

Hope this helps.

- Subroto Datta
Altera Corp.
Hi again,

sorry I have made an mistake in my MACRO:
Now I can execute the MACRO correctly, but nevertheless
the output of the RAM structure is 'X' in the simulation,
that is no initialization has be made on the RAM.

Kind regards
Andres Vazquez
G & D
System Development

cd H:/EDA/Altera/USB/Packetfile_Ctrl/simulation/modelsim
vlib modelsim_work
vmap work modelsim_work
vcom -93 -work work {D:/Programme/QuartusII/eda/sim_lib/220pack.vhd}
vcom -explicit -work work
vcom -work work {D:/Programme/QuartusII/libraries/vhdl93/altera_mf/altera_mf_components.vhd}
vcom -93 -work work {D:/Programme/QuartusII/eda/sim_lib/altera_mf.vhd}
vcom -work work {H:/EDA/Altera/USB/Check_Transfer/CHECK_TRANSFER.vhd}
vcom -work work {H:/EDA/Altera/USB/Check_Transfer/simulation/modelsim/TB_CHECK_TRANSFER.vhd}
view signals
view wave
run 15000ns (ALuPin) wrote in message news:<>...
Hi again,

sorry I have made an mistake in my MACRO:
Now I can execute the MACRO correctly, but nevertheless
the output of the RAM structure is 'X' in the simulation,
that is no initialization has be made on the RAM.

Kind regards
Andres Vazquez
G & D
System Development

cd H:/EDA/Altera/USB/Packetfile_Ctrl/simulation/modelsim
vlib modelsim_work
vmap work modelsim_work
vcom -93 -work work {D:/Programme/QuartusII/eda/sim_lib/220pack.vhd}
vcom -explicit -work work
vcom -work work {D:/Programme/QuartusII/libraries/vhdl93/altera_mf/altera_mf_components.vhd}
vcom -93 -work work {D:/Programme/QuartusII/eda/sim_lib/altera_mf.vhd}
vcom -work work {H:/EDA/Altera/USB/Check_Transfer/CHECK_TRANSFER.vhd}
vcom -work work {H:/EDA/Altera/USB/Check_Transfer/simulation/modelsim/TB_CHECK_TRANSFER.vhd}
view signals
view wave
run 15000ns
It is difficult to pinpoint the cause without seeing the design and
the vectors. For a start make sure that the input signals(waveforms)
being fed into the memory have the correct timing requirements, and if
there is an enable signal it has been set to the right value. Also if
the memory is being simulated as part of a larger circuit, simulate
the memory as a separate project and verify that ir works before
simulating the whole circuit. Hope this helps.

- Subroto Datta
Altera Corp.
Dear Mr Datta,

thank you for your answer.
I have looked at the memory ini file during compilation and I get the
following warning message:
"Warning: Memory depth value (1024) in design file differs from memory
depth value (32768) in Memory Initialization File -
truncated remaining initial content value to fit RAM"

The used RAM has the following input / output widths:
input wrdata[0..0] (quasi one single bit)
input wraddress[14..0]

input rdaddress[9..0]
output rddata_q[31..0]

So I used a .mif file of 32768 words á 1bit = 32768bits (initialized with zeros).
Why is the depth of the RAM said to be 1024?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards

Andrés Vázquez
Guntermann & Drunck
System Development

It is difficult to pinpoint the cause without seeing the design and
the vectors. For a start make sure that the input signals(waveforms)
being fed into the memory have the correct timing requirements, and if
there is an enable signal it has been set to the right value. Also if
the memory is being simulated as part of a larger circuit, simulate
the memory as a separate project and verify that ir works before
simulating the whole circuit. Hope this helps.

- Subroto Datta
Altera Corp.

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