David L. Jones
Has anyone had any experience with the JayCar Melcom alarm systems?
Does the LCD display make it any easier to use and program than the
other systems without LCD?
Also, anyone know of where you can get the manuals online?, there is
nothing on the manufacturers web site (http://www.lynteck.co.uk/)
except a product brochure.
Can anyone recommend any other basic low cost systems around?
I'm also looking at the Bosch 880 system.
Are diallers worth the extra?
Does the LCD display make it any easier to use and program than the
other systems without LCD?
Also, anyone know of where you can get the manuals online?, there is
nothing on the manufacturers web site (http://www.lynteck.co.uk/)
except a product brochure.
Can anyone recommend any other basic low cost systems around?
I'm also looking at the Bosch 880 system.
Are diallers worth the extra?