Anyone know a simple way I can measure a small, unknown resistance? I
am guessing it is about between 1ohm and 0.5ohms, roughly. It is part
of a car, so I can't bring it inside to test it.
I have several little multimeters, but none go down anywhere near as
low as half an ohm -- the cheap analog one goes as low as about 100ohms
at the very tinies graduation, and I don't think my digital ones go
much lower than that either.
I can also put 12v to the thing and try to measure current draw, but
obviously 10A or more is too much for just sticking my little
multimeter inline with the resistance.
I have access to plenty of simple parts, resistors and such, to build
some kind of simple measuring circuit. Any tips?
BTW -- it is a rear window defroster, if you didn't guess that already.
My problem is that the new rear window draws too much current (how much
I am trying to discover) and melts things, like the on-off switch.
Anyone know a simple way I can measure a small, unknown resistance? I
am guessing it is about between 1ohm and 0.5ohms, roughly. It is part
of a car, so I can't bring it inside to test it.
I have several little multimeters, but none go down anywhere near as
low as half an ohm -- the cheap analog one goes as low as about 100ohms
at the very tinies graduation, and I don't think my digital ones go
much lower than that either.
I can also put 12v to the thing and try to measure current draw, but
obviously 10A or more is too much for just sticking my little
multimeter inline with the resistance.
I have access to plenty of simple parts, resistors and such, to build
some kind of simple measuring circuit. Any tips?
BTW -- it is a rear window defroster, if you didn't guess that already.
My problem is that the new rear window draws too much current (how much
I am trying to discover) and melts things, like the on-off switch.