I need to measure phase noise of the non-autonomous circuit - VCDL
(voltage controlled delay line) with spectreRF. How should I do that?
I have some results but I'm not sure if they are trustworthy - I
measured the phase noise using two methods but the results are
completely different.
Let's say that I'm using following configuration for spectre
pssout ( ) pss fund=0.45G harms=10 errpreset="moderate" tstab=200n
pnoiseout (out gnd) pnoise sweeptype="relative" relharmnum=1 start=100
stop=100M dec=5 maxsideband=21 +noisetype="sources"
Is this ok? My main concern is the pnoiseout simulation and its
noisetype parameter. Is this ok to use noisetype="sources"? Or maybe I
should use "timedomain"?
When the simulation is finished I get results in V/sqrt(Hz) units. Is
this enough to convert such result to dB20? Or maybe there is a need
for different conversions/computations? Should I take into account the
shape of the signal? (divide by slew rate or something like that). If
yes, there is another problem, the signal shape changes in the circuit
-> The circuit input is rail to rail clock signal. Inside the VCDL the
signal's amplitude is limited and signal is less square like. Then
signal is buffered so the output of VCDL is again rail to rail square
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I need to measure phase noise of the non-autonomous circuit - VCDL
(voltage controlled delay line) with spectreRF. How should I do that?
I have some results but I'm not sure if they are trustworthy - I
measured the phase noise using two methods but the results are
completely different.
Let's say that I'm using following configuration for spectre
pssout ( ) pss fund=0.45G harms=10 errpreset="moderate" tstab=200n
pnoiseout (out gnd) pnoise sweeptype="relative" relharmnum=1 start=100
stop=100M dec=5 maxsideband=21 +noisetype="sources"
Is this ok? My main concern is the pnoiseout simulation and its
noisetype parameter. Is this ok to use noisetype="sources"? Or maybe I
should use "timedomain"?
When the simulation is finished I get results in V/sqrt(Hz) units. Is
this enough to convert such result to dB20? Or maybe there is a need
for different conversions/computations? Should I take into account the
shape of the signal? (divide by slew rate or something like that). If
yes, there is another problem, the signal shape changes in the circuit
-> The circuit input is rail to rail clock signal. Inside the VCDL the
signal's amplitude is limited and signal is less square like. Then
signal is buffered so the output of VCDL is again rail to rail square
Thanks in advance for any advice.