I usually use a 1000:1 divider with 300M ohm loading but I notice my other,
bigger Tektronix one, is 100 Meg. Is there a standard impedance for
monitoring the output of self-contained generators that may be used in
anything requiring high voltages.
The 40KHz one in front of me is 33V dc supply and label says 5.55KV , 0.3mA
output, but to measure that and state for general purpose use, there must
surely be some standard load for the monitoring.
Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on
bigger Tektronix one, is 100 Meg. Is there a standard impedance for
monitoring the output of self-contained generators that may be used in
anything requiring high voltages.
The 40KHz one in front of me is 33V dc supply and label says 5.55KV , 0.3mA
output, but to measure that and state for general purpose use, there must
surely be some standard load for the monitoring.
Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on