Sean Lincolne
Has anyone built a DC-DC Converter using the Motorola MC34063 with
current outputs higher than 1.5A ?
I'm considering building a DC-DC converter for a laptop computer
to boost 12VDC (ie in car) to 20VDC, capable of supplying in excess
of 50 watts (ie 2.5A to 3.0A).
The sample circuits in the application note mention 1.5A.
I'm specifically interested in the MC34063 because it's easy to get
locally (you can buy them over the counter at Jaycar).
Also, can anyone suggest areas to keep an eye on, such as capacitor
selection and inductor construction ?
current outputs higher than 1.5A ?
I'm considering building a DC-DC converter for a laptop computer
to boost 12VDC (ie in car) to 20VDC, capable of supplying in excess
of 50 watts (ie 2.5A to 3.0A).
The sample circuits in the application note mention 1.5A.
I'm specifically interested in the MC34063 because it's easy to get
locally (you can buy them over the counter at Jaycar).
Also, can anyone suggest areas to keep an eye on, such as capacitor
selection and inductor construction ?