MC33093 as a motor driver?


Clifford Heath

This chip is used apparently to switch 3 pairs of drive transistors
to a brushless motor in a small pump used in a piece of commercial
swimming-pool equipment, and is blown. Motorola no longer have the
data sheet online (though freetradezone claim to, but I haven't spent
the $1200 to get access to it :), but it looks like it was designed
as an ignition coil driver that drives external Darlingtons. Six of
these units have failed locally this month. Two 6800uf electrolytics
have also popped in most/all units.

At least, I think it's a 33093 - it's let the magic smoke out and the
top is hard to read. It could be another number, in which case you
probably can't help me.

Anyhow: does anyone have a data sheet they could email me?
Does anyone know the chip and can confirm that it could be used in
the way I describe?

cjh at managesoft
Clifford Heath schrieb:
This chip is used apparently to switch 3 pairs of drive transistors
to a brushless motor in a small pump used in a piece of commercial
swimming-pool equipment, and is blown. Motorola no longer have the
data sheet online

Dieter Wiedmann wrote:
Thanks - you were on the money with Onsemi, even though the
chip turned out to be the MC33033P. With the pin-out, I can
follow the circuit and hopefully see where they failed.

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