JT mentioned this chip the other day. At first, I thought it was an
older chip, but the long part number rang a bell and sure enough, I
got a few samples of these about 10 yrs ago when the spec was still
stamped "Advance Information."
The spec at that time implied that the trick was to find high Q tank
components and it said that Motorola was working on that (
like a
new engine that runs on a fuel yet to be developed.)
I never had a chance to play with the chips much. What would a
designer do for tank components for this VCO if he were shooting for
close to 1GHz? I might've went for a coaxial resonator, but that
precludes voltage control unless an added varactor could be used to
vary the freq.
Did On Semi pick up this chip from the Mosaic line, or is it
Best Regards,
older chip, but the long part number rang a bell and sure enough, I
got a few samples of these about 10 yrs ago when the spec was still
stamped "Advance Information."
The spec at that time implied that the trick was to find high Q tank
components and it said that Motorola was working on that (
new engine that runs on a fuel yet to be developed.)
I never had a chance to play with the chips much. What would a
designer do for tank components for this VCO if he were shooting for
close to 1GHz? I might've went for a coaxial resonator, but that
precludes voltage control unless an added varactor could be used to
vary the freq.
Did On Semi pick up this chip from the Mosaic line, or is it
Best Regards,