Matching NiMh batteries


Gordon Levi

I was given, with a bit of prompting (!), a clever NiMh battery
charger If you want hours, even
days, of entertainment from a battery charger this is for you. On the
other hand, the user interface is not intuitive and I had to read the
FAQ to discover that it defaulted to charging the battery and keeping
it charged.

The measurements that the charger has provided have prompted a couple
of questions. How close would you expect the capacity of a "pair" of
batteries to be? When would you decide that a battery that is below
it's minimum rated capacity should be discarded? I realise that the
latter question depends on the mah that I can tolerate so I suppose I
am asking if a battery that has deteriorated will then deteriorate
rapidly or if I should keep it until I can't tolerate its life.

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