Don McKenzie
Thought of Dave Jones when I saw this one
Power Laces get serious as Nike lodges patent for Back to the Future II Air Kicks
August 30, 2010 8:44AM
* Power Laces hits YouTube
* Tech sites uncover Nike patent
* Patent "for light system only"
A US inventor who built a pair of self-lacing shoes has now found herself in a race with Nike to get them to market.
Blake Bevin, 27, from San Francisco, created a version of Nike "Air Kicks" as a self-interest project back in July.
Based on Marty McFly's auto-lacing shoes from Back to the Future II, they feature a motorised self-lacing system and the
video of them in operation drew over a million views on YouTube.
That and enough geek publicity and support to encourage Ms Bevin to improve on her futuristic footwear's "laughable
looks and simplistic function" and start thinking seriously about a saleable version.
youtube video:
Cheers Don...
Don McKenzie
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Power Laces get serious as Nike lodges patent for Back to the Future II Air Kicks
August 30, 2010 8:44AM
* Power Laces hits YouTube
* Tech sites uncover Nike patent
* Patent "for light system only"
A US inventor who built a pair of self-lacing shoes has now found herself in a race with Nike to get them to market.
Blake Bevin, 27, from San Francisco, created a version of Nike "Air Kicks" as a self-interest project back in July.
Based on Marty McFly's auto-lacing shoes from Back to the Future II, they feature a motorised self-lacing system and the
video of them in operation drew over a million views on YouTube.
That and enough geek publicity and support to encourage Ms Bevin to improve on her futuristic footwear's "laughable
looks and simplistic function" and start thinking seriously about a saleable version.
youtube video:
Cheers Don...
Don McKenzie
Site Map: http://www.dontronics.com/sitemap
E-Mail Contact Page: http://www.dontronics.com/email
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