This is the second time this happened, so I'm sharing it with you.
This meter has a 50mA fuse inside, located between the probe
connectors. If you use the probes that have the collar on the meter
end (the collar protrudes around the banana plug), the collar can and
has hit this fuse and broke it, twice. The only fix I see is bending
the fuse outward a bit while the leads are about 3/4 the way
The only indication I found (that I use) than points to this fuse is
the Sourcing Voltage spikes, then goes to almost zero.
This meter has a 50mA fuse inside, located between the probe
connectors. If you use the probes that have the collar on the meter
end (the collar protrudes around the banana plug), the collar can and
has hit this fuse and broke it, twice. The only fix I see is bending
the fuse outward a bit while the leads are about 3/4 the way
The only indication I found (that I use) than points to this fuse is
the Sourcing Voltage spikes, then goes to almost zero.