For 250 quid you'd expect some engineering. Just as well problem made
itself known at practise power levels.
Large coil and 15W dropper on pcb which is only held to the mounting
plate by the longish speakon and 1/4 inch socket pins. Bad enough with
proper solder but a definite no-no with PbF, vibrating in a box.
Wired-in 0.25 socket will go back in there and punched pads of woven
copper mesh in the other usual suspect remade-solder joints.
Could cut electrically isolated areas on the pcb and 2 little brackets
but I think I'll give hot hot-melt a go. Rough,as possible, grind off
the black paint and some undercut grind gouges into the steel as well .
Then heat the plate prior to first run of hot-melt , gives very good
keying that way. Then normal glooping of hot-melt to bind together to
the pcb.
itself known at practise power levels.
Large coil and 15W dropper on pcb which is only held to the mounting
plate by the longish speakon and 1/4 inch socket pins. Bad enough with
proper solder but a definite no-no with PbF, vibrating in a box.
Wired-in 0.25 socket will go back in there and punched pads of woven
copper mesh in the other usual suspect remade-solder joints.
Could cut electrically isolated areas on the pcb and 2 little brackets
but I think I'll give hot hot-melt a go. Rough,as possible, grind off
the black paint and some undercut grind gouges into the steel as well .
Then heat the plate prior to first run of hot-melt , gives very good
keying that way. Then normal glooping of hot-melt to bind together to
the pcb.