I have a design which does not fit on my Altera Stratix device. I need
to split it onto 2 Stratix devices. Is it possible to manually do
this? I can't afford a partitioning software. The clock frequency for
the design after fitting will be around 30MHz and I can run the design
at a speed slower than that achieved after fitting.
So can I safely operate the design at say 20Mhz if Quartus was to
ensure a speed of 30Mhz on a single larger FPGA? Slowing the FPGA by
10 MHz would mean I have an extra 100ns delay which will be used up by
the interconnect delay between the 2 FPGAs(due to rise time/fall time
of IO pins). Assuming this approach works, approx. how much extra
delay should I leave for the interconnect delays? Are there any other
issues I should be aware of?
I have a design which does not fit on my Altera Stratix device. I need
to split it onto 2 Stratix devices. Is it possible to manually do
this? I can't afford a partitioning software. The clock frequency for
the design after fitting will be around 30MHz and I can run the design
at a speed slower than that achieved after fitting.
So can I safely operate the design at say 20Mhz if Quartus was to
ensure a speed of 30Mhz on a single larger FPGA? Slowing the FPGA by
10 MHz would mean I have an extra 100ns delay which will be used up by
the interconnect delay between the 2 FPGAs(due to rise time/fall time
of IO pins). Assuming this approach works, approx. how much extra
delay should I leave for the interconnect delays? Are there any other
issues I should be aware of?