make your own solar cells?



Hi All,

I've heard a rumour that if one has access to a computer controlled kiln
(which I do) that you can create your own photovoltaic cells?

I have not been able to find information about this. I have found some low
temperature very low voltage 'experiments' you can perform with a hot plate
and a sheet of copper etc. but not much else.\

I have two kilns a small test/glass kiln and a large computerized kiln
capable of 2400° F.

If you've ever heard of this?


"Zander" <> wrote in message
Hi All,

I've heard a rumour that if one has access to a computer controlled kiln
(which I do) that you can create your own photovoltaic cells?
Silicon photovoltaic cells require similar processing steps as used in
making other semiconductor devices (clean room, metallization chamber,
doping chamber, photolithography, etc.)
On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 16:14:09 -0500, "Charles Schuler" <>

I suppose it depends on what your goals are ... a school science project or
a product that approaches commercial standards. I consulted for a PV
manufacturer for 3 years (circa 1996) and they used a clean room and 6
silicon furnaces! Not to mention laser trimming machines and bunch of other
exotic and expensive stuff.
Yes, I guess that was my point, too. It depends on what you are trying to
achieve -- a demonstration on one end and commercial production on the other. I
had no idea where the poster was at, of course. But I had a hard time imagining
it was commercial production.

Heck, mere metal in contact can make a nice schottky diode (galena crystal
imbedded into molten lead allowed to cool), I think. I suppose there might even
be some photovoltaic properties for that, too.

Heck, mere metal in contact can make a nice schottky diode (galena crystal
imbedded into molten lead allowed to cool), I think. I suppose there
might even
be some photovoltaic properties for that, too.
Any time there is an "energy hill" between two conductors/semiconductors in
contact, there are several interesting possibilities. Thanks for your
On 7 Dec 2004 14:36:26 -0600, Zander <> wrote:

If you have the url of whoever is selling this kit I'd be gratefull! Also,
fwiw, I'm just trying to have fun and experiment but probably without
caustic poisonous gases!
I see what I can find out. I'd tracked them down a few years back and they'd
bought all the rights a long time ago, themselves, which makes me worry that
they are "getting on in years" by now. They were located on the east coast,
like in New Jersey or something like that, so I'll see what I can find. My
original search had me finding an old address and phone number over and over
again and it took some real sleuthing to find their current location and number.
Maybe it has gotten easier or maybe I can find my notes.

I'll let you know.

Jonathan Kirwan <> wrote in

On 7 Dec 2004 14:36:26 -0600, Zander <> wrote:

If you have the url of whoever is selling this kit I'd be gratefull!
Also, fwiw, I'm just trying to have fun and experiment but probably
without caustic poisonous gases!

I see what I can find out. I'd tracked them down a few years back and
they'd bought all the rights a long time ago, themselves, which makes
me worry that they are "getting on in years" by now. They were
located on the east coast, like in New Jersey or something like that,
so I'll see what I can find. My original search had me finding an old
address and phone number over and over again and it took some real
sleuthing to find their current location and number. Maybe it has
gotten easier or maybe I can find my notes.

I'll let you know.

Thanks Jon,

Welcome to

