Mains transformer failure



Originally put down to powering 2 ohm rather than 4 ohm speakers but had
survived 3 days of running like that.
A short in the primary. But on replacing the Tx it became obvious there was
a break in the mains cable (owner knew this but failed to tell me until
now). So if repeated breaking carrying mains current , depite X class cap
over the mains switch , would that be a more likely reason for the failure.
? Back EMF going well into the KV, punching through the insulation in the
primary section.
Nutcase Kook FUCKING TROLL !!!!!!!!!

A short in the primary. But on replacing the Tx it became obvious there
a break in the mains cable (owner knew this but failed to tell me until
now). So if repeated breaking carrying mains current , depite X class cap
over the mains switch , would that be a more likely reason for the
? Back EMF going well into the KV, punching through the insulation in the
primary section.

** Not possible with a load attached to the secondary.

Rectifiers and filter capacitors make a just dandy load for killing back
emfs - as do permanently connected valve heaters.

You twat.

..... Phil
Sort of corollary to the blowing mains fuse at switch-on due to residual
magnetism in the core, in just the wrong orientation, to increase the inrush

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