magnetron characteristics?



Is there some place to look up Microwave
Magnetron Sharp 2M240G-A251 characteristics-size and is it 1250watt,
2450MHz type
(i.e can it be replacement for Magnetron Sharp 2m237-a064 )?
This page may help you find the answer.

Google is your friend.

Also, try this link...........

great, Daniel !! Yes, your company name came up in a Google search when
I was trying to help another user. The person who made the original post
never commented again, so I hope that he got the information.

Some folks post questions here and either never come back to the forum, or
never say thanks.

Good luck !!

On Feb 28, 9:35 am, "James" <no> wrote:
Also, try this link...........

This is Daniel from Main Electronic Supplies, I was searching the web
trying to get some specs. on a magnetron in order to find a sub number
in our stock. I was very pleased to see a reference to us in this
form. We do try our best.
Thanks James
On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 16:00:20 -0400, "James" <no> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

Some folks post questions here and either never come back to the forum, or
never say thanks.
Some will thank you personally via email. IMO that's possibly a better
way to do it, unless there is something to add to the original post.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
In article <>,
Franc Zabkar <> wrote:

On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 16:00:20 -0400, "James" <no> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

Some folks post questions here and either never come back to the forum, or
never say thanks.

Some will thank you personally via email. IMO that's possibly a better
way to do it, unless there is something to add to the original post.

Huh? Who uses a real email on usenet?
In article <>, Smitty Two <> wrote:
In article <>,
Franc Zabkar <> wrote:

On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 16:00:20 -0400, "James" <no> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

Some folks post questions here and either never come back to the forum, or
never say thanks.

Some will thank you personally via email. IMO that's possibly a better
way to do it, unless there is something to add to the original post.

Huh? Who uses a real email on usenet?
In article <g7-dnQ_IKcsE0STUnZ2dnUVZ_joLAAAA@posted.cpinternet>, msg <msg@_cybertheque.org_> wrote:
Smitty Two wrote:

In article <>,

Huh? Who uses a real email on usenet?

Many posters have a munged email address that a reasonably
sentient being can decode and hopefully the harvester bots

Since Usenet activity has diminished, I don't thinks its much a problem.

Smitty Two wrote:

In article <>,
Huh? Who uses a real email on usenet?
Many posters have a munged email address that a reasonably
sentient being can decode and hopefully the harvester bots

On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:11:52 -0700, against all advice, something
compelled Smitty Two <>, to say:

Huh? Who uses a real email on usenet?

I do. What's the danger, a bit more spam?


Real men don't text.
In Steve Daniels <> wrote:
On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:11:52 -0700, against all advice, something
compelled Smitty Two <>, to say:

Huh? Who uses a real email on usenet?

I do. What's the danger, a bit more spam?

A bit more spam? When I got hit with Swen I had several *thousand*
spam emails. That's when I stopped providing a real email address.

Jerry Peters wrote:
In Steve Daniels <> wrote:
On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:11:52 -0700, against all advice, something
compelled Smitty Two <>, to say:

Huh? Who uses a real email on usenet?

I do. What's the danger, a bit more spam?

A bit more spam? When I got hit with Swen I had several *thousand*
spam emails. That's when I stopped providing a real email address.

Why heck, I'm not afraid to put my E-mail address
out there, send me all the Spam you like though
sometimes I prefer Armour Treet.

On Feb 28, 12:05 pm, poster <> wrote:
Is there some place to look up Microwave
Magnetron Sharp 2M240G-A251 characteristics-size and is it 1250watt,
2450MHz type
(i.e can it be replacement for Magnetron Sharp 2m237-a064 )?
The answer is no, there is not some place. Like any part, you pick
the magnetron you want to use based on the specs of the product and
look at the datasheet of the replacement to see if it'll do the job.
In article <gpbub5$23l$>, wrote:
Jerry Peters wrote:
In Steve Daniels <> wrote:
On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:11:52 -0700, against all advice, something
compelled Smitty Two <>, to say:

Huh? Who uses a real email on usenet?

I do. What's the danger, a bit more spam?

A bit more spam? When I got hit with Swen I had several *thousand*
spam emails. That's when I stopped providing a real email address.


Why heck, I'm not afraid to put my E-mail address
out there, send me all the Spam you like though
sometimes I prefer Armour Treet.

I think this email has perked up in spam. I don't see it from another
email cause the filter gets rid of 80-90 % of the mail which is spam.

Getting back to magnetrons, I am trying to fix a microwave.
The diode was replaced and the transformer.
Far as I can tell the cap is good and the diode is still good.
Checked filament on magnetron of about 4 volts. If there
is supposed to be visable light, there is none from the filaments.
I nedd to make sure of the cap and diode, but
anu suggestions are wanted.

I took the microwave home my brother has been replacing
those parts. I put in some water and after 20-30 secs the water was heating.
After that NOTHING heating up. Pretty much sounds the same.
On Mar 18, 11:19 am, (GregS) wrote:
In article <gpbub5$>, wrote:
Jerry Peters wrote:
In Steve Daniels <> wrote:
On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:11:52 -0700, against all advice, something
compelled Smitty Two <>, to say:

Huh? Who uses a real email on usenet?

I do. What's the danger, a bit more spam?

A bit more spam? When I got hit with Swen I had several *thousand*
spam emails. That's when I stopped providing a real email address.


Why heck, I'm not afraid to put my E-mail address
out there, send me all the Spam you like though
sometimes I prefer Armour Treet.


I think this email has perked up in spam. I don't see it from another
email cause the filter gets rid of 80-90 % of the mail which is spam.

Getting back to magnetrons, I am trying to fix a microwave.
The diode was replaced and the transformer.
Far as I can tell the cap is good and the diode is still good.
Checked filament on magnetron of about 4 volts. If there
is supposed to be visable light, there is none from the filaments.
I nedd to make sure of the cap and diode, but
anu suggestions are wanted.

I took the microwave home my brother has been replacing
those parts. I put in some water and after 20-30 secs the water was heating.
After that NOTHING heating up. Pretty much sounds the same.
check fast fuse and protectiive diode first
back to my problem -3.3v,2450mhz seems to be standard so need
information if 7-800w magnetrons(4.1kv) or 5-650w(3.8kv) type usually
goes into in/out power-1250/600w ovens?
Can someone please open&read the power/mag. designation off some older
Thanks in advance
Your solution has long since been posted, and not acknowledged.

In article <aMKdnbQ-HathXF_UnZ2dnUVZ_jiWnZ2d@posted.localnet>, "James" <> wrote:
Your solution has long since been posted, and not acknowledged.

Who you talking to ?
On Mar 20, 5:44 am, (GregS) wrote:
In article <aMKdnbQ-HathXF_UnZ2dnUVZ_jiWn...@posted.localnet>, "James" <> wrote:

Your solution has long since been posted, and not acknowledged.


Who you talking to ?
regrettably no data anywhere on 2m237(that is rv-mza064wreo) but if
microwave's high voltage trafo rtrna177 is indeed at918
(?cannot be certain without measuring filament voltage however says it is not a good idea)
than it outputs 4.35/2 kv and 3.15v,which indicates magnetron

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