Magnetic reed switch needed


Meat Plow

1 inch long micro size glass capsule used on the counter pulley of a
Tascam rack mount cassette deck to sense take up reel motion.
Haven't really looked around yet but thought I would toss this out
here in case someone had ordered these OEM. We used to get these
right from Teac back in the good old days when I worked on these for
the factory. I have a later model deck for parts that is similar but
Teac saw the error of their ways and switched to a photo interrupter.
In article <>,
Meat Plow <> wrote:
1 inch long micro size glass capsule used on the counter pulley of a
Tascam rack mount cassette deck to sense take up reel motion.
Haven't really looked around yet but thought I would toss this out
here in case someone had ordered these OEM. We used to get these
right from Teac back in the good old days when I worked on these for
the factory. I have a later model deck for parts that is similar but
Teac saw the error of their ways and switched to a photo interrupter.
One easily obtained source is door and window closed sensors used in
household burglar alarms. But most decent electronics suppliers should
have the capsules on their own. The ones I've seen are roughly the
dimensions you've given.

*If horrific means to make horrible, does terrific mean to make terrible?

Dave Plowman London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
Meat Plow wrote: (X-No-Archive)
1 inch long micro size glass capsule used on the counter pulley of a
Tascam rack mount cassette deck to sense take up reel motion.
Haven't really looked around yet but thought I would toss this out
The surplus houses are worth a scan:
On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 09:42:42 +0000 (GMT), "Dave Plowman (News)"

In article <>,
Meat Plow <> wrote:
1 inch long micro size glass capsule used on the counter pulley of a
Tascam rack mount cassette deck to sense take up reel motion.
Haven't really looked around yet but thought I would toss this out
here in case someone had ordered these OEM. We used to get these
right from Teac back in the good old days when I worked on these for
the factory. I have a later model deck for parts that is similar but
Teac saw the error of their ways and switched to a photo interrupter.

One easily obtained source is door and window closed sensors used in
household burglar alarms. But most decent electronics suppliers should
have the capsules on their own. The ones I've seen are roughly the
dimensions you've given.
Hmmm good idea!
On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 03:46:19 -0500, Meat Plow <>

1 inch long micro size glass capsule used on the counter pulley of a
Tascam rack mount cassette deck to sense take up reel motion.
Haven't really looked around yet but thought I would toss this out
here in case someone had ordered these OEM. We used to get these
right from Teac back in the good old days when I worked on these for
the factory. I have a later model deck for parts that is similar but
Teac saw the error of their ways and switched to a photo interrupter.
Try All Electronics:

I found several sizes there the last time I needed to replace an OEM
switch (liquid flow meter).


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