John Miller
Is this a common failure mode for a Magnavox 25" TV? (Chassis number at
another location, sorry.)
It "magically" turned itself on, and wouldn't turn off, either with the
remote or at the set. After being unplugged and re-plugged, it won't turn
on, with the remote or at the set.
Regular email replies won't work, but the address described in the sig will.
John Miller, N4VU
Email address: domain, n4vu.com; username, jsm
another location, sorry.)
It "magically" turned itself on, and wouldn't turn off, either with the
remote or at the set. After being unplugged and re-plugged, it won't turn
on, with the remote or at the set.
Regular email replies won't work, but the address described in the sig will.
John Miller, N4VU
Email address: domain, n4vu.com; username, jsm