In my shop is a Magnavox TV/VCR CCT132AT01 (Symphonic TVCR13E1) that
"shuts down" after turn on due to excessive B+ voltage. If I unplug CL603
(multi-wires connector) from main PCB and measure Reg. B+, it is normal +112V
and it is adjustable via VR601. However, if I plug in CL603, which in effect
adds a light load (power is off) to the power supply, Reg. B+ goes up to
+120V(!) and it can't be adjusted! Did you have the same problem?
Thanks in advance, Brad
Before you type your password, credit card number, etc., be
sure there is no active key logger (spyware) in your PC.
In my shop is a Magnavox TV/VCR CCT132AT01 (Symphonic TVCR13E1) that
"shuts down" after turn on due to excessive B+ voltage. If I unplug CL603
(multi-wires connector) from main PCB and measure Reg. B+, it is normal +112V
and it is adjustable via VR601. However, if I plug in CL603, which in effect
adds a light load (power is off) to the power supply, Reg. B+ goes up to
+120V(!) and it can't be adjusted! Did you have the same problem?
Thanks in advance, Brad
Before you type your password, credit card number, etc., be
sure there is no active key logger (spyware) in your PC.