Mac Monitor Parts

  • Thread starter Mike and Dawn Riffell
  • Start date

Mike and Dawn Riffell

A friend has given me a Mac 17" Studio Monitor to repair. I believe that the
Flyback is bad. Does anyone here have a good source for Mac monitor parts?
(BTW, the symptom is: power light turns on, changes to green when a signal
is supplied but I get no high voltage, and intermittently I hear ticks that
sound like arcing, but I see no evidence of arcing).
Start by getting in touch with the Mac people (not a computer dealer). I
think you are going to go through the scenario that they will only supply
parts to their authorized monitor service centres. They will tell you go
give it out to them for service.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"Mike and Dawn Riffell" <> wrote in message
A friend has given me a Mac 17" Studio Monitor to repair. I believe that the
Flyback is bad. Does anyone here have a good source for Mac monitor parts?
(BTW, the symptom is: power light turns on, changes to green when a signal
is supplied but I get no high voltage, and intermittently I hear ticks that
sound like arcing, but I see no evidence of arcing).
In article <tKyac.3329$>, Mike and
Dawn Riffell <> wrote:

A friend has given me a Mac 17" Studio Monitor to repair. I believe that the
Flyback is bad. Does anyone here have a good source for Mac monitor parts?
(BTW, the symptom is: power light turns on, changes to green when a signal
is supplied but I get no high voltage, and intermittently I hear ticks that
sound like arcing, but I see no evidence of arcing).
If your friend is the original owner (registered owner), have them
contact apple - they repair some versions of the Studio display free of
charge, regardless of the age of the monitor - relates to some defect
in the original power supply on some models (fire hazard?).

Couldn't hurt to check? Friend of mine had a 3 year old unit repaired
even though the original warranty was for one year - Apple sends you a
shipping container for the unit (no charge for shipping both ways).

Total time for shipping and repair was less than two weeks.

Good luck


shipping container for the unit (no charge for shipping both ways).

Total time for shipping and repair was less than two weeks.

Good luck


I have seen and picked up 17 moniters at thrift shop for free or a
buck, raster opps, sony, supermac and they are laying here useless. I
don,t bother to sell on ebay be shipping is a nightmere. heavy and
so heavy at 17 inches and since i don,t have original boxes, the only
good packing would be fome ingection (ie cans of cans of "great stuff"
brand with styrophone filer to keep from using 20 cans.

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