Lubrication of VCR video drum



I have a Panasonic VCR doing perfectly his job until a couple of week
ago, then a humming noise started to come from the inside during the
"play" mode, and the image was a little bit "wobbling".
I took a look inside and I noticed that the noise was coming from the
rotating drum. It seemed like lack of lubrication. I tride to spray
some lubricating oil through the "holes" on the top of the video drum,
let the VCR go for a night; when I started again it worked perfectly:
no noise, perfect picture. After some 20 or 30 hours of operation the
story repeated.

What can I do, beside buying a new vcr?

THanks for your help

Spraying into the holes isn't going to fix anything. The bearings are bad.

Time for a new vcr, realistically.

Mark Z.

Please reply only to Group. I regret this is necessary. Viruses and spam
have rendered my regular e-mail address useless.

"red3718" <> wrote in message
I have a Panasonic VCR doing perfectly his job until a couple of week
ago, then a humming noise started to come from the inside during the
"play" mode, and the image was a little bit "wobbling".
I took a look inside and I noticed that the noise was coming from the
rotating drum. It seemed like lack of lubrication. I tride to spray
some lubricating oil through the "holes" on the top of the video drum,
let the VCR go for a night; when I started again it worked perfectly:
no noise, perfect picture. After some 20 or 30 hours of operation the
story repeated.

What can I do, beside buying a new vcr?

THanks for your help

The bearings are failed. It is time for a new VCR. The lower drum assy is
going to cost more to replace (if it is even available), then to buy a new



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"red3718" <> wrote in message
I have a Panasonic VCR doing perfectly his job until a couple of week
ago, then a humming noise started to come from the inside during the
"play" mode, and the image was a little bit "wobbling".
I took a look inside and I noticed that the noise was coming from the
rotating drum. It seemed like lack of lubrication. I tride to spray
some lubricating oil through the "holes" on the top of the video drum,
let the VCR go for a night; when I started again it worked perfectly:
no noise, perfect picture. After some 20 or 30 hours of operation the
story repeated.

What can I do, beside buying a new vcr?

THanks for your help

Given the fact that the VCR seems to be lost I did some experiments,
as long as is going to reach the bin, I will have some fun before...

I tried to put some sewing machine oil through the holes that are in
the drum and nothing happened. So I put some Ethylalchool with a
syringe and sucked it back to try to clean. Then (even if I found in
the web that is not good to spray it in a VCR) I sprayed through the
holes a generous amoung of WD-40.

THe noise is now completely gone, and the VCR seems to work fine

I am playing old tapes (if they will be spoiled it will not be a
problem) and I will let you know how long it will last...

Thanks for your help, you are very considerate about neewbies as I am
in this newsgroup

Ciao from Italy,

"red3718" <> wrote in message
Given the fact that the VCR seems to be lost I did some experiments,
as long as is going to reach the bin, I will have some fun before...

I tried to put some sewing machine oil through the holes that are in
the drum and nothing happened. So I put some Ethylalchool with a
syringe and sucked it back to try to clean. Then (even if I found in
the web that is not good to spray it in a VCR) I sprayed through the
holes a generous amoung of WD-40.

THe noise is now completely gone, and the VCR seems to work fine

I am playing old tapes (if they will be spoiled it will not be a
problem) and I will let you know how long it will last...

Thanks for your help, you are very considerate about neewbies as I am
in this newsgroup

Ciao from Italy,

I am Glad you did not listen to the first bit of advice !
I have changed the drum bearings in the past on a few VCR's The bearing are
very low cost from local bearing shop.
Stan the Man

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