Michael Robinson
I need to simulate a circuit with an lm393 comparator in it. I went to th
yahoo group and got a file called lm393_st.txt. I renamed it lm393.sub an
put it in the sub folder. Then I drew my circuit using a universal op am
symbol, which I named lm393. LTSpice doesn't recognize it, with or withou
an include statement. What do I do?
Posted through http://www.Electronics-Related.com
yahoo group and got a file called lm393_st.txt. I renamed it lm393.sub an
put it in the sub folder. Then I drew my circuit using a universal op am
symbol, which I named lm393. LTSpice doesn't recognize it, with or withou
an include statement. What do I do?
Posted through http://www.Electronics-Related.com