Wow, now that's service . . . 
similar to PSpice's .savebias's. That is:
..savebias "filename" time=10m
..savebias "anothername" time=55m
You can add the keyword "internal" if you also want device
internal nodes dumped to the file. The keyword "nosub"
will suppress subcircuit node and inductor currents from
being written to the file. Also, you can stipulate a step
number, temperature, or analysis type if you want to limit
the scope of the .savebias statement.
To use it for subsequent simulations, comment out the .savebias
statements referring to files you don't want overwritten and
add the command
..loadbias "filename"
The file is an ASCII file containing a .nodeset statement.
Nodesets are suggestions for the initial operating point to help
in finding the .op point. You can edit this .nodeset to a .ic
statement to be more assertive for the .tran initial condition.
..ic statements are conditions, not suggestions.
OK, released in version 2.06r, available now. The syntax isNo, but it's on the ToDo list.
Great! This is pretty important actually. For instance, I'm
running a full chip simulation right now and the first sim
basically brings up the supplies and so forth to steady state.
This will take about a day. At that point I'd like to do a few
sims with different inputs and so forth - without going through
the startup sequence again. I can't do this without a way of
saving the dc condition at the end of the run, then using this
as a .ic in the next runs.
similar to PSpice's .savebias's. That is:
..savebias "filename" time=10m
..savebias "anothername" time=55m
You can add the keyword "internal" if you also want device
internal nodes dumped to the file. The keyword "nosub"
will suppress subcircuit node and inductor currents from
being written to the file. Also, you can stipulate a step
number, temperature, or analysis type if you want to limit
the scope of the .savebias statement.
To use it for subsequent simulations, comment out the .savebias
statements referring to files you don't want overwritten and
add the command
..loadbias "filename"
The file is an ASCII file containing a .nodeset statement.
Nodesets are suggestions for the initial operating point to help
in finding the .op point. You can edit this .nodeset to a .ic
statement to be more assertive for the .tran initial condition.
..ic statements are conditions, not suggestions.