Terry Pinnell
I\'ve recently started using LT Spice. A great free tool, with the
overriding advantage of widespread use. (Unlike CircuitMaker 2000 Pro,
of which I seem to be the only current user on the planet.)
But LT\'s UI is not so good. Have there been any hacked versions that
attempt improvements? For example, using the more modern rectangular
resistors rather than zigzags? And I was surprised to find the wires of
my first schematic printout seemed about a single pixel in width, barely
overriding advantage of widespread use. (Unlike CircuitMaker 2000 Pro,
of which I seem to be the only current user on the planet.)
But LT\'s UI is not so good. Have there been any hacked versions that
attempt improvements? For example, using the more modern rectangular
resistors rather than zigzags? And I was surprised to find the wires of
my first schematic printout seemed about a single pixel in width, barely