My neighbor brought his 25A (12 volts) power supply over for repair
last evening. I found the bridge rectifier shorted and one of the 2
pass transistors shorted. The 20A fuse in series with the output was
not blown, the 4A line fuse was blown.
I patched it enough to test it, putting in a 10A bridge rectifier and
using only one of the pass transistors (they were in parallel).
I found the transformer which looked hugh, was only putting out 17
volts no load (dc, measured at the bridge output) and 15.5 at 10A
load. While the transformer probably has the current capacity, it
probably loads down under full load (at 20A). I couldn't test at 20A,
but he confirmed that the ham radio transmitter had some quirky
behavior, probably due to the voltage drop off at the higher load
It looks like someone (previous owner) disconnected the metering in
order to get around the voltage drop associated with the meter.
I'd like to put the thing back together for him, and have it operate
It had a 2N3055 and an MJE2955 pass transistors-not sure why they were
different types, they were in parallel.
I need suggestions for low collector to emitter voltage drop pass
transistors that will handle 15A each. I also wonder if a bridge
rectifier made from schottky diodes. Suggestions for the schottky
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last evening. I found the bridge rectifier shorted and one of the 2
pass transistors shorted. The 20A fuse in series with the output was
not blown, the 4A line fuse was blown.
I patched it enough to test it, putting in a 10A bridge rectifier and
using only one of the pass transistors (they were in parallel).
I found the transformer which looked hugh, was only putting out 17
volts no load (dc, measured at the bridge output) and 15.5 at 10A
load. While the transformer probably has the current capacity, it
probably loads down under full load (at 20A). I couldn't test at 20A,
but he confirmed that the ham radio transmitter had some quirky
behavior, probably due to the voltage drop off at the higher load
It looks like someone (previous owner) disconnected the metering in
order to get around the voltage drop associated with the meter.
I'd like to put the thing back together for him, and have it operate
It had a 2N3055 and an MJE2955 pass transistors-not sure why they were
different types, they were in parallel.
I need suggestions for low collector to emitter voltage drop pass
transistors that will handle 15A each. I also wonder if a bridge
rectifier made from schottky diodes. Suggestions for the schottky
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