Pete Verdon
As part of a bathroom project, I want more sophisticated control of the
extractor fan than just turning it on with the overhead light. At
present, I'm thinking in terms of a flow-switch on the shower supply (so
it extracts steam while showering) and a push-switch (for occasional
toilet-related necessity
). Both of these would also involve
over-run timer(s).
Since in the UK I can't legally have a mains (240v) switch in the
location I'd want (well, except for a high-IP-rating one, all of which
are ugly) I'm thinking in terms of a 6-12-ish volt "signal" circuit
going down to the switches in the room, and a suitable timer
module/relay/etc assembly in the (accessible) roof-space above the
bathroom where the fan will be. I envisage a very simple circuit on
stripboard or similar, in a project box.
My main question is how best to power the "signal" circuit with minimum
wasted energy when not in use. I've had a quick look at small
transformers (eg
) but don't understand all the figures. Things like "efficiency 30%" and
"core losses 1.8W" scare me when all I want to do is energise a relay a
couple of times a day - but perhaps these only apply under load? In
addition, I'm a little confused by the apparent two outputs - do I get a
different voltage across each compared to across both or something like
Secondarily, any advice on "chunky" self-contained parts for things like
my overrun timers? I don't really want to get into detailed electronics
on this project, just slap together big chunks of ready-made
functionality on a dumb board. It's electrics more than electronics.
As part of a bathroom project, I want more sophisticated control of the
extractor fan than just turning it on with the overhead light. At
present, I'm thinking in terms of a flow-switch on the shower supply (so
it extracts steam while showering) and a push-switch (for occasional
toilet-related necessity
over-run timer(s).
Since in the UK I can't legally have a mains (240v) switch in the
location I'd want (well, except for a high-IP-rating one, all of which
are ugly) I'm thinking in terms of a 6-12-ish volt "signal" circuit
going down to the switches in the room, and a suitable timer
module/relay/etc assembly in the (accessible) roof-space above the
bathroom where the fan will be. I envisage a very simple circuit on
stripboard or similar, in a project box.
My main question is how best to power the "signal" circuit with minimum
wasted energy when not in use. I've had a quick look at small
transformers (eg
) but don't understand all the figures. Things like "efficiency 30%" and
"core losses 1.8W" scare me when all I want to do is energise a relay a
couple of times a day - but perhaps these only apply under load? In
addition, I'm a little confused by the apparent two outputs - do I get a
different voltage across each compared to across both or something like
Secondarily, any advice on "chunky" self-contained parts for things like
my overrun timers? I don't really want to get into detailed electronics
on this project, just slap together big chunks of ready-made
functionality on a dumb board. It's electrics more than electronics.