Alan Adrian
I come and go in this group over time... been away for a while as I've had
no time to play with my electronics.
I have a little project that I'll try to explain briefly.
Using an "fm modulator", I have taken the headphones output from my digital
music player, and gotten it to play on my Van sterio, through the Antenna
cable, which is a CD/radio unit, so my tape adapter doesn't work on this
vehicle. It does work fine on the car though, even with the noisy DMP
described below...
The input to this fm-modulator is so weak that I built (from a Velleman Kit)
a pre-amplifier that boosts normal headphones output to a decent Line-In
level, which it likes.
When I was using a Mini-Disk as my music player, this system worked great.
I've since upgraded to an iRiver HD based digital music player and the above
system sounds like crap. The player works great with headphones, and
through my casset tape adapter though.
I put my Computer digital scope on the system, and as I expected there is a
bunch of noise centered on 50khz, starting at 30khz and going to 70ish...
here's a spectrum plot of the noise on a 1 kHz tone after it's amplified by
my pre-amp...
The pre-amp is based on a TLO72CP chip and the input signals pass through a
1uF cap and 10K resistor with a 1 meg feedback resistor tapping off just
before the input.
I tried making an RC low pass filter to put on the front of this thing, but
it doesn't seem to have much effect on the digital noise. Though I'm a bit
weak at this audio stuff, and rusty to boot...
Any suggestions as to how to proceed to clean up the high frequency noise
would be greatly appreciated.
no time to play with my electronics.
I have a little project that I'll try to explain briefly.
Using an "fm modulator", I have taken the headphones output from my digital
music player, and gotten it to play on my Van sterio, through the Antenna
cable, which is a CD/radio unit, so my tape adapter doesn't work on this
vehicle. It does work fine on the car though, even with the noisy DMP
described below...
The input to this fm-modulator is so weak that I built (from a Velleman Kit)
a pre-amplifier that boosts normal headphones output to a decent Line-In
level, which it likes.
When I was using a Mini-Disk as my music player, this system worked great.
I've since upgraded to an iRiver HD based digital music player and the above
system sounds like crap. The player works great with headphones, and
through my casset tape adapter though.
I put my Computer digital scope on the system, and as I expected there is a
bunch of noise centered on 50khz, starting at 30khz and going to 70ish...
here's a spectrum plot of the noise on a 1 kHz tone after it's amplified by
my pre-amp...
The pre-amp is based on a TLO72CP chip and the input signals pass through a
1uF cap and 10K resistor with a 1 meg feedback resistor tapping off just
before the input.
I tried making an RC low pass filter to put on the front of this thing, but
it doesn't seem to have much effect on the digital noise. Though I'm a bit
weak at this audio stuff, and rusty to boot...
Any suggestions as to how to proceed to clean up the high frequency noise
would be greatly appreciated.