I am looking for a low pass filter around 20kHz to smooth a voltage
before passing it to an oscilloscope. The power requirements are
nominal and the transition region is not very important, Bessel, Cheby-
whatever, doesn't matter as long the general effect is to squish the
high frequencies above, say, 20-30kHz.
I was hoping there would be a simple component like a feed-thru
terminator I could buy off-the-shelf for around the same price (~$20)
but I can't seem to find a vendor. Anyone know of one?
before passing it to an oscilloscope. The power requirements are
nominal and the transition region is not very important, Bessel, Cheby-
whatever, doesn't matter as long the general effect is to squish the
high frequencies above, say, 20-30kHz.
I was hoping there would be a simple component like a feed-thru
terminator I could buy off-the-shelf for around the same price (~$20)
but I can't seem to find a vendor. Anyone know of one?