What jfet would you suggest for use in a dynamic mic or guitar preamp?
Nothing audiophile is needed: the input signal will be strong (rock band
in a small room), so I'm after a (through hole) low cost part that
doesn't add too much garbage to the signal. Having to get it online I
will likely purchase a bagful of them for use in other audio projects of
mine (mostly guitar fx) so cost may be an issue.
After digging the net it seems that a good part would be the 2SK170 by
Toshiba which is fairly priced IMO. But what's the difference between the
BL and GR variants?
Other candidates might be the 2SK117 and 2SK246, any opinions on those?
I also stumbled upon some preamps using the J201, like the famous Tillman
cable preamp, but that part got some negative opinions around for being
noisy and not that good for buffering due to its relatively high output
impedance. Any suggestions?
ps. some time ago I gave a try at a well known preamp built around the
not-for-audio 2n7000/BS170 mosfet. It sounded really good and quiet
enough at home, but what if I move that preamp to a real studio where
their higher quality gear would not mask its noise anymore?
Nothing audiophile is needed: the input signal will be strong (rock band
in a small room), so I'm after a (through hole) low cost part that
doesn't add too much garbage to the signal. Having to get it online I
will likely purchase a bagful of them for use in other audio projects of
mine (mostly guitar fx) so cost may be an issue.
After digging the net it seems that a good part would be the 2SK170 by
Toshiba which is fairly priced IMO. But what's the difference between the
BL and GR variants?
Other candidates might be the 2SK117 and 2SK246, any opinions on those?
I also stumbled upon some preamps using the J201, like the famous Tillman
cable preamp, but that part got some negative opinions around for being
noisy and not that good for buffering due to its relatively high output
impedance. Any suggestions?
ps. some time ago I gave a try at a well known preamp built around the
not-for-audio 2n7000/BS170 mosfet. It sounded really good and quiet
enough at home, but what if I move that preamp to a real studio where
their higher quality gear would not mask its noise anymore?