Thomas Philips
I've heard it said that bipolar transistors generate less noise when
operated with Vce very close to 0. I assume the noise in question is
flicker noise or current noise, as the voltage noise depends primarily
on rbb and gm, both of which are essentially independent of Vce.
1. Does current noise (which is really shot noise in Ib) decline as
Vce is reduced with Ic fixed? Does beta vary significantly with Vce?
2. Does flicker noise (or 1/f) decline as Vce is reduced while Ic is
fixed? Is there a relationship between the 1/f corner frequency, Ic
and Vce?
3. What is the mechanism by which noise declines with Vce?
4. What is the impact of low Vce on fT?
Thanks in advance
Thomas Philips
operated with Vce very close to 0. I assume the noise in question is
flicker noise or current noise, as the voltage noise depends primarily
on rbb and gm, both of which are essentially independent of Vce.
1. Does current noise (which is really shot noise in Ib) decline as
Vce is reduced with Ic fixed? Does beta vary significantly with Vce?
2. Does flicker noise (or 1/f) decline as Vce is reduced while Ic is
fixed? Is there a relationship between the 1/f corner frequency, Ic
and Vce?
3. What is the mechanism by which noise declines with Vce?
4. What is the impact of low Vce on fT?
Thanks in advance
Thomas Philips